

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Naps, Finally

I don't know if I should type this, aka "say it out loud and jinx it" but both Connor and Caroline have FINALLY been taking real naps - I mean the hour in the morning and hour and a half or two hour nap in the afternoon. This has been fairly consistent for about two weeks and it's another life changing milestone. Connor was a decent napper but I could pretty much plan on Caroline waking about twenty minutes after I put her down. I almost don't know what to do with myself.

I've been getting a little sad lately that my twins are getting old. We've put a lot of their swings and bouncy seats away in storage because they are too big now and sometimes I'll look at them and they look like kids and not babies. They'll be nine months next week.

So, I'm waiting very anxiously about the Amanda Knox verdict tomorrow. I really hope she is acquitted.

I think I'm going to miss Andy Rooney.

I'm just rambling....


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just Enjoy It

Last week, I asked Matt "how was your day" and he responded "Good. Busy". We started talking about an NPR segment about how American's do think a good day consists of being "busy and productive". Does anyone try to slow down and just enjoy something simple like their lunch or a walk around the block on a nice day? Since we had this conversation, I've been trying to enjoy the simple things that happen in the day.

Yesterday, for example, my two closest friends from high school came to visit. We had a lovely day walking and playing with the babes. The twins took a nice long afternoon nap and when they did, I had a few fun hours of just 'girl time'. We watched HGTV, Bravo and gossiped about celebrities. It was a few hours of blissful responsibility free fun and being silly with friends I've known so well for almost two decades. I enjoyed laughing with them, simple as that.

Connor is still waking up around 4:00 every morning and I'm at a loss of what to do. I'll throw a party once he starts sleeping until 6:00 again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WWD, Ire and Rachel Zoe

As most of you know, I LOVE Bravo. One show I don't watch too often is The Rachel Zoe Project. She sort of bugs me and I would rather watch Flipping Out or Real Housewives. However, word on the street traveled quickly this morning throughout my friend circut that my dear friend and college roommate Jessica Iredale was on the show. I just watched and lo and behold, there she was.

In the episode, Ire writes a review for Rachel's first fashion line. Rachel even said "Jessica's article can make or break my presentation...". And Ire being Ire didn't tell any of us that she was going to be on the show! Like we weren't going to find out.

Here's to you, Jessica Iredale. You are big time even if you are too humble and shy to admit it. (Insert some sarcastic Ire-ish remark here.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Will Not Miss You, Vinny Chase

For those of you that watch Entourage but haven't see the final episode yet, you might as well skip it. It was awful.

When Entourage first came out, I loved it. Everyone loved it. The problem was that in eight seasons, nothing changed. And after four seasons I started getting bored and stopped watching it, maybe catching an episode here or there but it just went right down the tubes post Medillin. Unlike it's girly comparison SATC, the characters on Entourage never evolved.

If you want to read a scathing yet accurate review, check out They nailed it.

And while we are on the topic of celebs, Connor and Caroline watched their first movie shoot yesterday with Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Bacon. There is, yet another, film being shot here in Charlestown. Who needs Hollywood these days?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eat Your Vegetables

We've been working on solids for the past few weeks. My friend Michelle warned me that this is a stressful and confusing time. I thought "really, Michelle? Relax..." but she wasn't kidding!I had to start a spreadsheet to remember what they have eaten, can eat, can't digest, who likes what, what foods might complement each other. *Tangent alert* This has already given me anxiety for what it will be like in the future when I have to plan and make dinner every night. I hope they like grilled cheese and tomato soup from a can.

Anyway, we are really struggling with veggies. So far, carrots are a success but squash and sweet potatos make Connor vomit. They hate peas and this morning we were eating green beans and I actually said out loud "you guys, you have to eat your vegetables. They are good for you". But it's true! Our mothers and fathers and Dr. Oz know these things!

A very, very special congrats to Ryan and Betsy Toben who just welcomed their twins Bea and Teddy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today, at 6:23 am, in the shower, I thought about how I haven't updated the blog in a while. Since I would rather type than clean the bottles that are sitting in the sink, I'll blog. I'm also waiting for my sushi to arrive. Matt is going out with some of the other dads tonight which means Billy Tse knows that 20 Mystic St will call to order Philly maki and either the Eastern or Boston maki. I'm like Elaine and Miranda!

So Connor is getting his first tooth. I didn't notice until he bit Matt the other day and Matt said "Connor's first tooth is coming in!". It's like a razor. He hasn't been any fussier that usual with the exception of waking up in the middle of the night. He usual leaks through his diaper but then can't go back to sleep. I have to wonder if the day allows for a lot of distractions but at night, all he can do is lay in his crib and think "my tooth hurts and there is nothing to keep my mind from thinking about it. I'll cry so mom will come and get me". Being the sucker I am, I do.

And in the VERY exciting news department the twins had their first twin conversation yesterday. They were both sitting up playing with their Talking Cooking Pot (Thanks Lemeks!) and Caroline began to 'talk' Blah Blah to Connor. He smiled, giggled a little and would 'talk' back. This went on for about 2 minutes. It was so fun!

The twins are going to be pumpkins for Halloween this year. I figured that it is the only year that they can be dressed alike so I'm doing it. Besides, it's easy, the costumes are ordered and now it's one less thing I need to think about.

I hope that Team iLuminate wins AGT! I'd hit that up in Vegas right after Celene. Did any of you see the gossip that her Montreal house was robbed and the robber ate food from her fridge and took a bath? People are so stupid.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What to do?

I need suggestions on what to do with 7 month olds when it rains. Please!

I don't even have anything to write about. I'm too busy trying to keep these two entertained. I have a bottle break right now. Luckily, we are having a Hurricane Party tomorrow with the neighbors and that should keep all the babies on the block happy. I'm making two types of chili. Yum.

Oh - the babies slept until 7:30 today (well, Connor woke up at 5 to eat, Caroline at 6 but both went back to bed). Thank god because I would have likely had a hang over, thanks to the Stella 75 I had last night on date night. Whatever, it was delish.

Our new playroom looks awesome! And it was perfect timing because poor Caroline kept scooting into our fireplace so she needed somewhere to be.

And congrats to Connie Palleria on her new twin boys!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I totally let this slip for a while. I was on 'another vacation' in CNY. I use quotes because I know how lucky I have to have the flexibility to go home to visit my family but it's not really a vacation. It was wonderful and I was, as always, so sad to leave.

But I am ready to sink my teeth into fall. We actually have a pumpkin on our stoop! (Compliments of Papa Lanz.) Matt heard our young neighbors complaining in their drunken ranble last night. But my rebuttle is "who goes out on a Tuesday anyway?" Maybe they met some friends at a bar to watch America's Got Talent?...So I'm not going to take them too seriously but I'll hold off on the mums. I can't wait for football, chili, sweaters, apple cider and everything else fall has to offer.

Speaking of sweaters, I really might get to wear some this fall after all! The twins are on prilosec 2x a day and it's really helping with their reflux. I only have to change them about 3-4 times a day whereas before it was more like 7-8 and it probably should have been even more often. Caroline is busy sitting and Connor finally rolled over. I don't think he likes to be on his belly as much as she does so he usually stays on his back and just kicks his feet.

And a happy congrats to Sara McGowan who just welcomed her new daughter, Caroline. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quality TV Programming

There is a rare silence in my house right now. Both babies are asleep, at the same time. The laundry is folded or in the dryer. Dinner is in the fridge (that's the Grill Masters job anyway, love you babe!) The house is clean, thank you Margarita. I'm not sure what to do!

I remembered what I was going to write about. Quality TV for kids. So as you all know, I subjected my children to the glory that is known as Bravo when they were teeny tiny. But now that they can watch the TV and it keeps them focused while drinking their bottles, I've finally made the switch to PBS. It started off with Sesame Street but it then turned into Martha Speaks, Dinosaur Train, Super Why and Between the Lions. Now, the TV isn't on all day but a good part of it just for background noise and that way if they do look at it, it's about spelling and numbers rather than the latest catfight between Ramona and LuAnn. I actually enjoy watching it with them too; shows like that remind me how innocent and simple a child really is.

That's not to say I don't still love Bravo and HGTV. I just save it for when they go to bed. On a sad note, my DVR did not tape the RHONY reunion. Katie and Erika, I'm looking for you to fill me in.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Peace and Quiet

Yesterday when I was on a walk with the twins I thought about all these things worth writing about on my blog and now I don't remember a thing. My brain has been even more fried than usual lately.

A few months ago I took a 'twins' class at Isis. Although the class was so-so, I did love getting to talk to other twin moms. Yesterday, one of the moms invited all the girls and babies over for a playdate. So six girls, twelve babies. It was awesome! It was great to talk to the girls again about issues, challenges, improvements and also see how much these babies have grown. (Not the Curtwins, we had to go on Prilosec and although they are the oldest, the are the smallest.) And all the babies are great together, they watch each other and play. It was so fun and I hope we can all get together again.

Papa also come over on Tuesday and again on Wednesday for about an hour each day between business obligations. Caroline cried and then stared him down the entire time he was here. I don't know what her deal was but she clearly didn't feel comfortable having him in her house!

I think the twins are ready for more serious toys. After our playdate and the level of mobility that Caroline has acheived (not so much for Connor, he is still sort of a bump on a log but really close to sitting on his own) I realized that I needed to step it up. I hope they like the 'discovery center' I went and bought them this morning. I need to go set it up....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back From Vacation

Back to work today. (And yes, I do consider my 'job' of taking care of the twins work. Much harder than any job I've had.) Matt, Connor, Caroline, Maggie and I got home from a lovely week spent in Falmouth. Aside from the two days it was cloudy - my parents were there for one of them, our friends the Purtell's for the other - it was a great week. Not too hot, not too humid.

That being said, I was certainly a wake up call. I think more for Matt than for me. You see, I have very low expectation about doing anything/everything with the twins. If we can get in some decent naps, avoid any meltdowns and limit the vomit, I consider the day a total success. I think Matt had slightly more grandious ideas that we would be able to sit at the beach all day with them and have nice relaxing mornings to sleep in a little bit and enjoy our coffee. God bless him for that. The truth is, it was a mix bag in that department. They did take some good naps which allowed us some time to alternate jogs and sit in the front yard and read. We did take them to the beach and both days we were able to stay for over an hour and a half before they got too fussy. The slept well at night so we could relax with a glass of wine and a plate full of shrimp the size of my head. But we all came down with a cold so there were a few days when Connor cried for hours straight and I had to just walk around the block over and over and over with a crying child. He didn't want to play he just wanted to be held and even then he cried. Caroline's spit up seemed to have been particularly bad, naturally. They both hated taking baths when they normally love it. Was it the cold? Was it a strange place? Was it bug bites? Are my kids the only people in the world who do not like Cape Cod? We'll never know but I think we are all glad to be home. And we are all ready for another vacation.

So I did read a book while I was on vacation (first book in months!) and I highly recommend it. It's called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It's one of the best books I have read in a long, long time. It's funny, interesting and inspirational. Even if you are not a runner, you will enjoy this read.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Was That Twin Mom

Connor and I went to mass on Sunday while Matt and Caroline headed over to Market Basket. I had to stand in the back for the last few minutes as the little guy started to get fussy. And lo and behold there were newborn b/g twins sitting back there. I marched right up and said "Congrats! He's a twin" (pointing to Connor) and asked her the usual questions (b/g? names? how old? how far did you make it?). She was friendly but I'm sure thought, why is the person talking to me? Haha, just wait lady. That was nothing. And in a few months, you'll be asking others.

Also, we went for the babies 6 mo appointment yesterday and I learned that 'green' foods are the last to be introduced because they contain cholorphyll which can upset a babies stomach and make them vomit.(I almost typed cholorform which would REALLY upset their stomach and probably kill them. RIP Caylee. Maybe that's not funny...) Hence the pea puke! I should have just waited until we went to the doctor to get the 411 before we started solids but oh well. Today we did bananas and Connor loved them.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Wasn't Done

I wasn't quite finished yet but I had to end my post so...I could put them down for naps! Anyway, I'm just really strugging with this right now and I'm running out of ideas to try and help Caroline go to sleep/stay a sleep. Yesterday I was talking to our neighbor. He has a young son Jake and they were out walking. He asked how the twins were sleeping. It's the most popular question I'm asked besides "How do you do it?!". I was explaining the challenge of two napping needs and how he asked me on a really bad day. He chuckled and said that his "buddy" has a child as old as Jake (14 mo) and he and his wife are expecting twins. They have their son on such a strict schedule and he doesn't know how his buddy will handle twins - and 3 kids under 2. He ended the story with his buddy being 60. Oh my god. That would be like, my dad, having 3 kids under 2. I can't imagine that! But listen fellas (and granted I'm making an assuption here), if your second or third wife is half your age, she'll want kids, you'll probably have to do fertility and you'll be stuck going to a high school graduation for your multiples on your 80th birthday.


First of all, I'm SOOOO sad that Friday Night Lights ended last night. These days, I feel like there is not a lot of really good dramatic television. The Tutors left me, then Lost (don't get me started, I still have dreams that include the characters and I even proposed to Matt that we name the twins Kate and Sawyer) and now Friday Night Lights. If you never got into the show, get the past seasons on DVD when they are available on Netflix or Blockbuster. You may be mad at Netflix though....

Naps with twins is a real challenge. In the begining, sticking to a schedule was pretty easy - and the only way to survive. But as they get older, their needs are changing. I have to remind myself that they are two different people. Connor is a pretty good napper and fairly predictable. Caroline is not. We have had a very challenging three days because she hasn't wanted to nap. I'm not sure if it's because I missed her cues and she is overtired or what. I KNOW she needs more sleep but I'm at a loss of what to do. I only left the house once today so I can watch her and see if I notice any patterns. Sounds rediculous but after a few days if I notice that she is rubbing her eyes around 11:30, then that might be her nap time. And then we can avoid meltdowns. And then I'll be happy. And my husband will like me again because I won't be so cranky. Everyone wins!

I ran 5.5 miles today. It was soooo hard and I have no idea how I used to do it every morning before work. But I'm going to try to continue to do the run on the weekends when I have a little more time. It's the best running loop and I've missed it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peas = YIKES

So peas were a bad idea. Connor did like them but he later threw up and our entire house smelled like pea vomit. We lit every candle we had and threw every article of fabric that may have been exposed to the pea vomit in the wash.

It was a scorcher yesterday so to get out of the house, we drove out to Natick to hit up the Container Store (snooze, I know) and B&N. Since we have TWO little half birthday's coming up tomorrow, I bought them some new books. (*Tanget alert* one of the books we bought was "The Giant Jam Sandwich" and it's adorable. It's more appropriate for a 3-4 year old but I liked it so we bought it.) Between the door of B&N and my car, three people stopped and wanted to look at the twins. The first, an older gentleman told me that they celebrate half birthdays in their house and that both Shaws and Stop and Shop have half-cakes for half birthdays.(I actually dreamed last night that I went to go buy one that was decorated in easter decor even though it was for their half birthday and I, naturally, was at Wegmans and there were 200 check out lines.) The second person who stopped me was one of those annoying "Boy do you have your work cut out for you" people. The third was a mother of twins and she wanted to hear all about my pregnancy and delivery and she told me all about hers. That's the thing with twin parents. They like to share stories and they keep very little back. Poor woman went into labor at twenty four weeks and had to stay on bedrest in the hospital for eleven weeks until she delivered at thirty three. Hers were 3.1 and 4.1 so she "totally got the premie in the winter thing" as hers were born on Jan 7. Her twins are five and "Yes, it gets soooo much easier". Now all of you know her story too!

We did our first GroovyBabyMusic class today and we are one of four sets of twins in the class. I actually know the other three sets but didn't know they were in the class. They are all toddlers but really enjoyed looking at Bug and Connor. Connor really liked the music and dancing as he now wiggles his hips and is almost sitting. Caroline just watched everyone and sucked on her maracas.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I forgot to mention that we tried solids! (We have been putting rice cereal in their bottle but mostly for their reflux and that's borning and not news worthy to me.) Pears! Connor loves it and he is pretty good with the spoon. Bug isn't quite there yet and looks very confused when the pear goes into her mouth but yet remains curious and intently stares at the spoon. It's very funny to watch them. And very messy. The twins are so messy - messy eaters and bad refluxers but I have to remind myself that they are good sleepers. I think I prefer to have the sleep.

We might try peas today.

Here I Am!

First, I would just like to proudly say that I slept for 9 - yes NINE -hours last night. And I feel asleep reading my book. FINALLY!!!! The babes are sleeping about 11 hours straight. No more dream feeds, no more breaking out of swaddles. Now, I am not going to get too excited about this because "just when you think you have things nailed down, they change..." blah blah blah...and I think teeth are coming. (Buckle up.) But I am still relishing in my night sleep last night.

Have I mentioned yet that I'm really into country music? I always have been but this summer there are some awesome songs. Country music is so summer-Americana-simplicity to me. Like Friday Night Lights. The reason I type this is because I'm listening to You and Tequila and I'm going to watch the Friday Night Lights on my DVR while I make pasta salad and fold laundry. I get a lot done during nap times :) And I'm not sure why I'm rambling about this right now.

We all had a great time visiting everyone in CNY. I was home for 10 days but it went so fast and like every trip home, I plan to relax but somehow the days are filled to the brim with people to visit, errands to run, etc. We got some family pictures taken with our wedding photographer and they turned out amazing. I HIGHLY recommend Laure Lillie for anyone who wants wedding/baby/family/senior pictures. She is a pleasure to work with and does a great job.

I had a really nice time with my mom. Everytime I spend time with her and the babies, I learn so much. She truly is a baby whisperer. But most importantly, she subtly reminds me that nothing is more important than the babies and every minute spent with them is so precious. I sometimes get very flustered and focused on getting things done (feedings, laundry, naps, cleaning) and although all that needs to happen, just relax - get down on the mat, play with them, find out what makes them laugh, encourage them to roll and sit and most importantly, just be patient with them. They are babies after all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I'm on vacation. Let me enjoy it. I'll be back next week.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yeah, Thanks For Your Two Cents

When people see twins, they want to comment. They want to look. Some even want to touch - creepy. They can't help themselves. I can only imagine parents of two boys/girls that dress alike. 50s women everywhere salivate at the thought. But it gets old pretty quickly. Just yesterday, I was walking out of the coffee shop around the corner, untying Maggie from the lamp post and and I heard it behind me "Jeeze, ya have yah hands full!" I know buddy, thanks. I cannot go a day without hearing one, some or all of the following: "Twins! God Bless Ya!", "Twins! You have your hands full.", "Twins! I can barely handle one!", "Twins! I have no idea how you do it." (If Octomom can do 8, anyone can do 2.) and also "A boy and a girl! Instant family!" and "A boy and a girl! You're all done now!" and don't forget "Do you get any sleep at all??" Matt and I joked that we are going to start to wear a sign that says "Hi! As you can see, my hands are full with my instant family but I got a little sleep last night so I'm doing okay, thank you."

Big local news today - Whitey Bulger has been captured. Boston is buzzing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Where O Where Have I Been?

The answer to that question is simple. I've been at my house. I haven't gone anywhere h,aven't dropped off the face of the earth. Actually, updating this has been on my 'to-do' list for about two weeks but it's always on the bottom and I never get to it. I've found that I don't really have time to do anything anymore. During the windows when both babies are asleep, I try and get stuff done. When they are awake, they now demand constant attention. Well, that isn't entirely true. Bug doesn't, she occupies herself but Connor wants to see, touch and do anything/everything.

In twin news, we went to the doctor last week and neither Connor nor Caroline grew very much over the past month - only half a pound and they were gaining at a rate of a pound and a half a month. So we have to go see a GI doctor about their reflux and I think I'm going to start weaning. I was sad about it for a minute and now I'm over it. I made it almost 6 months and truthfully, it's getting to be nonsense at this point. Plus, I'm so sick of all the vomit. And how timely, Connor just threw up all over the place.

In more fun news, they are both really chatty and active now. It's amazing and so wonderful and soooo exhausting. How am I going to handle them as toddlers? I have never been so tired in my life. And I'm getting a stretch of 7-8 hours straight! Normal people consider that a good night sleep.

We have two fun vacations coming up - CNY and Falmouth. July is going to fly by. I can't wait to get to the beach.

Did you all catch the RHOC finale? I think Peggy shouldn't return, she added no value. I feel like I had so many things to discuss because of all the rediculous things that were said but Alexis and Gretchen, but now I can't remember any of them. I should have taken notes.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, Monday

Congrats to the Martin Family! They welcomed little Evan Robert last week. Can't wait to meet him in a few weeks. Excellent name choice, I haven't heard Evan used recently and I really like it.

If you have not see the movie Out of Africa, make it a priority. It is one of my favorite movies and I am 'watching' it right now. I am getting so sick of morning tv (Ellen being the exception, I can watch her all day but she is a repeat today).

The most recent MNO was a total success. I'm not sure if I have blogged about this before but there is a group of women in Charlestown and we all have children between 3 weeks and 10 months. Somehow we are all connected via neighbors, husbands, college, etc. About every 3 weeks we go out for drinks. It's an excellent group and we have so much fun. Women need women and although sometimes we share stories about our kids or ask for advice, we also spit the chew about silly things (like my favority topic, reality TV) and it's just a welcome break for a few hours.

C&C are back to sleeping pretty well, although we still have some bumps in the road. They are still swaddled but getting awfully wiggly so I'm attempting to wean them slowly. Connor's attempts didn't go so well so I'm going to try again in a week. Caroline is doing very good with just one arm out. That way she can suck her hand if her binky falls out and she can also get used to free arms. So we'll stick with this for naps and maybe in a few days, try it out at night. I'm going with baby steps on this one in the hopes that when they roll over and swaddling must stop, it'll be easier that cold turkey.

So I'm really, really, really enjoying the RHONY trip to Morocco. I loved Ramona earlier in the season but now I think she is annoying. So is Alex! Alex when from my least favorite in the first few seasons, to last season totally redeeming herself to falling back into last place. She is soooo serious and heavy all the time. Why does everything need to be a serious conversation! Lighten up. Even though I think LuAnn sounds like a man, she is a very beautiful woman. I'm jealous that half of them speak french too. I wish I spoke another language. Margarita, the lovely lady who comes to clean our house every two weeks, told me she would only speak spanish to the babies so they learn. (That is actually very important to me and my biggest regret.) I can brush up on mine too. Margarita loves the babies, she was visibly upset when she came last week and they were sleeping so she had to wait to see them. This paragraph really took an intestering turn from RHONY to my children learning spanish...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Let's all take a moment and remember our departed loved ones, especially those who we have lost serving our country. My brother was just here visiting for a night and we watched 60 Minutes which included an interview with Sal Guinta. He is quite humbling and it's important to remember the brave soldiers we have lost.

Every year Matt and I take a drive to the north shore and get a lobster roll. It's sort of our annual summer kick off tradition. I was very excited to make it a family event this year and no sooner than we sat down at the picnic bench about ready to take a bite, both babies started crying. I can't even tell you if The Lobster Pool was any good because we had to eat so fast and get out of there so everyone else could enjoy their meals! Oh well. I did include a priceless picture.

I enjoyed a nice run this morning. It's very hot and humid but I sort of liked it - summer is finally here!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's Catch Up

I need to be better about keeping you all updated. Once a week isn't enough and too much happens and I forget to talk about it - in my life and the life of all my reality TV friends.

*Tangent Alert*. I love my ipad and I love my iphone. But I also love a good old-fashioned keyboard that belongs to a PC. I like the efficiency and the sound. Ah...

I had the twins alone for three days and nights last weekend. It was so hard. I know I have them alone during the day but the nights are the hardest - the witching hour, the bedtime routine, the waking up. Before I move on, I would like to stop for a minute and tell every single parent out there that I admire what you do and how you do it because parenting is a two person job. God Bless you all.

Anyway - the twins were great sleepers and a few weeks ago it all went down the shitter. Last Friday was my breaking point. Caroline woke up at 1:00, then Connor at 3:00 then Caroline again at 4:25 and Connor at 5:00. It was nonsense and I had to put a kibosh on it. So we stared Feberizing on Saturday and without boring you all, we had our first 10:00 - 5:30 straight since April last night. Letting them cry it out wasn't as bad as I though. I knew they were safe and they didn't need anything, it was pure fussiness and they needed to learn how to put themselves back to sleep. Part of me just wanted to say "SHUT UP!". During Connor's 45 minute stint I just got out of bed just to shut my door :)

I think summer is finally here and I'm so excited about it. Matt and I have a tradition (we have several) to go and get lobster rolls up on the north shore. I can't wait to take the kids!

I owe you all some new pictures - I'll post some after the weekend.

Let's talk about Rosie Pope. I love her, she is so cute and charming. But I can't believe the people on the show. I think they are purely there for the show because no one can be so stupid and foolish. Upper East or not.

Oh, and Oprah - I miss you. I saved your last episode and I'm going to keep it on my DVR so that I can watch you when I need a fix. You couldn't have picked a better replacement with Ellen! I wonder if I write Ellen a love letter she'll have be on the show as a guest...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Overnight = Success!

I'm happy to report that we survived our first babysitter AND our first overnight away from the twins! Last Wednesday, we had to attend a dinner and we found a babysitter for 3 hours. Actually, there were two ($$, ouch) but one we knew and it was her friend who will likely babysit for us again so she acted as a buffer for us and her friend to ease her into getting to know how the twins work. I was more nervous about how the babies were going to behave that I was about leaving them. But they did great and now that experience is under our belt.

As is our first overnight! We went to a wedding in Newport on Saturday so Grandma Jan and Papa Sam came to watch them. Like the babysitter, I was nervous about how they would be for the grandparents. Plus we all came down with a cold last week so they were sick to boot. Connor had a tough night waking up frequently and Jan was very nice about it but I'm sure she left exhausted. (I didn't tell her he slept for 7 hours the following night...) Matt and I couldn't get out of the house fast enough and I felt very guilty that I had such a good time away from them. But I did miss them and by Sunday morning we were up early and on our way home. It's important for us to get away for some mommy/daddy time and have a good time with other adults. We have no plans in the forseeable future to leave them again but maybe we'll plan a little something - assuming someone like Jan will watch them again.

We had our 4 month check up today. I'm wondering what the babies will be like when they wake up. I learned my lesson last time regarding how to handle the vaccines. Today we came right home, ate a little something, took some baby tylenol and went right to bed. No tears. I'm just going to let them sleep until they want to wake up. Anything to avoid the screaming and thrashing - poor honeys. They are still not on the growth chart for weight yet but their pedi thinks they should be in the next month or two. They are for height (3%)and head circumference (13% and 24%)! And Caroline is almost as tall as her brother now. He is just chunkier.

I need to catch up on my reality TV so I'll get back to you all on that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy (Belated) Mothers Day!

Shame on me, I should have logged on to say Happy Mothers Day to all even if that's all I had to write about. I hope that you all - newbies and vets - had a fantastic day. In case you were wondering, I had a great day. I spent the morning by myself and the afternoon with my family.

The kids are adjusting nicely to their cribs. Finally. It's been a week and many people have asked me "do you think they were ready"? The bottom line is, I don't know. I'll never know and they may have never been ready, be it now or 6 months from now. I don't want to rush they for any milestone that I don't think they are ready for but sometimes you just need to try.

Caroline has her first runny nose. I'm not sure if it's a cold, allergies or just some sniffles. It's not so bad that she can't nurse or sleep but poor little thing is noisy and I've had to use the bulb syringe for the first time since they were in the hospital. I hope it gets better before it gets worse. I've been taking Airborne for her.

Congrats to Bethenny for the Skinnygirl sale to Beam. I tried Skinnygirl at a Derby party over the weekend and I'm on the fence. But I think it's because I don't love margaritas. So that fact that I liked it enough would lead me to highly recommend it for those of you that love margaritas. I wonder if this is the end of the show. Now what? How about they make a reality show about the Hoppys in Hazelton! I would watch it!

Today is one of those days where I just can't warm up. It's not going to stop us from going out to do something. This is also one of those days where I can't believe it's only 12:15 pm.

Oh, for those of you with babies in the Boston area, the movie theater at Legacy Place shows a movie at 12:00 every Thursday when moms can bring their babies. "Something Borrowed" is this weeks movie. I can't go this week but I think I'm going to check it out soon. What a good idea.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Words of Wisdom

I realize I haven't blogged in a while but for good reason - we went home to NY with the babes last week. The trip was a success! They did great in the car, Matt and I learned a little bit as to how we need to time the trip next time and they slept surprisingly well in a new place. Of course the best part about the trip was to see our family. My mother even babysat so we could have a Friday night date. Unfortunately, central new york is not known for it's exceptional cuisine - somehow even the hamburgers are disappointing - but we'll take what we can get. Maybe next time we'll opt for a movie.

The babes also got to spend lots of time with their cousins. That's really important to both my sister and me. At this point the visits really consist of one of the babies crying, the other dozing off, Freddie trying to get Connor to play with him and Lydia crawling and touching everything she can. It's choas really. But it's wonderful to watch our family grow. We were very close with our cousins growing up and we want our children to have the same relationship with each other.

When we got home, we decided it was time to move the babies from their rocker basenette to their crib. Connor didn't have a problem at all. It's been a very, very long two days with Caroline. She really didn't like it at all so we tried a number of different things to see how she might be most comfortable. We even called St. Stephanie to see if she would be able to help us for a night. Poor Caroline even lost her voice from crying so hard (it's almost cute and raspy but that's not the point). However, she pulled through last night. I'm not sure if the fatigue got to her or what but she went right to sleep and slept until 6:00 am. And she went down with little fighting for her morning nap too. She likes a slight incline - the problem with that is that she rolled down the mattress a little bit. How do you stop that? My friend Steph has the same set up for her son and she told me he rolls every night!

Steph went back to work yesterday and I had a really hard time with it. Maybe not as hard as it was for her to leave Weston but it was still very lonely on our walk yesterday.

I can't believe that Bethenny's over in a week. Of course the previews show her crying about how she has everything she ever wanted. If I don't give up on the show next season, I hope at least Nick the Foodie has a larger role.

Friends, I would like to leave you with the best reality TV quote I have heard in a long time by the ever-so-wise Kelly Bensimon "I just want to enjoy this awesome life that we have. That's all." Oh Kelly - so profound!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Will They Be Traumatized For Life?

First - WHY are all the RH all about modeling for a local designer and hosting dinner parties with celebrity chefs? None of which are real celebs?...The writers HAVE to come up with something better than those two scripts. (I was mildly disappointed that Ramona was able to control her death-by-eyes-bugging-and-hips-swinging catwalk.)

Second - I can't believe I'm saying this but Bethenny is starting to annoy me. What's up with her "woe is me, I have everthing I've ever wanted and now I'm going to complain about it". Basta! You are no longer my priority DRV show.

So last night, we had to use gycerine suppositories for the babes. Caroline was so uncomfortable, it had been almost a week since she went to the bathroom and Connor wasn't far behind. I'm not sure why this happens every once and a while. Their diet didn't change and neither did mine. It was NOT a fun experience for anyone and there were a lot of tears. They typically take 15-60 minutes to work but in typical Connor behavior, he let out a few farts and then wham! 45 seconds later he was all set. He is such a boy. I'll remain descrete about Caroline in typical lady-like fashion but she felt much better by the time she went to sleep.

We had our first Twin Class today. FINALLY! C+C share a birthday with another set of twins - Carolina and Gabriella - and the four of them are the oldest in the group. There were two moms with babies under 6 weeks and my heart goes out to them. They both looked so tired and stressed and scared. I was there not too long ago. It sort of is a time I want to forget; I get that awful feeling in my belly and I just don't want to think about it. It was lonely, isolating, cold (in my case being all winter) and stressful. It was great to commiserate with other twin moms but I realised that what I could "learn" in the class I have already learned by trial, error, books, the internet and friends. And a lot of common sense.

For those of you who have Showtime, I HIGHLY recommend The Borgias. It's every bit as good as The Tudors. Jury is still out on Game of Thrones and I'm thrilled that Treme started again.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Go Runners!

So I'm a little late on this blog but I'm been meaning to write quickly about all the athletes that ran the marathon this past Monday. Congrats to all! Having run several half marathons, I always finish that 13.1 and think to myself - there is no way that I want to turn around and do that again so I think it's such an accomplishment to do 26.2.

Our Aunt Carolyn came to stay with us for a few days and we had a wonderful time with her. Matt and I both just love her company and she is such an easy guest. She is low maintenance, proactive in helping (she has twins so she totally gets it), we can sit in silence in our ipads and be totally comfortable - it was just a great few days. We also had our annual "Curtin Summer Kick Off Party" on Marathon Monday. A few years ago the party would have consisted of kegs and shotguns but this year it was about cupcakes and baby bjorns. And not just because of the twins, it seems that most of our friends are also in the baby phase right now. It was a good time and important for the adutls to get together and feel like, well, adults.

We finally saw the Kings Speech! Matt, Carolyn and I ordered sushi and watched it on Tuesday night. It was a perfect activity for a rain, cold night. Poor Carolyn, the weather really wasn't great when she was here and today it's warmer and sunny.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Thoughts to Kill Time - No Baby Talk

In no particular order, I'm going to talk about the following: Maggie, Guys Night Out, my biggest fear and TamRa. I'm only typing this so that I remember what I want to talk about. Sorry for my poor spelling. I did very, very bad is spelling in school and on the CAT tests.

My biggest fear is the garbage disposal. Seriously, I was just cleaning up the dishes and had to flip the switch to get the rest of the salad and chicken down the drain and every time I do it, I sweat a little bit, mostly forehead and pits. I don't know why I have such a fear that I'm going to stick my hand in there while it's on thinking "shoot, that darn mixed green leaf of a plant I don't know is just about to go down but it's not so I'll help it". My mom said that she too is afraid of the garbage disposal so maybe it's heriditary.

I've spent so much time in this blog talking about Connor and Caroline that it's about time I talked about Maggie. Our four legged first born deserves a little typing time. She had a really hard time with the babies at first but she is coming around. All we need to do is take her for a walk during 'commuting hours' (that is city speak for 6:00 - 7:30 when other people are walking dogs, going to dry cleaners, playing catch, trying to parallel park, etc). Now I know twins are cute but if there is something that Charlestown has one too many of it's twins and doodles. Neither are big news. But somehow when the 5 of us are taking our evening walk, Maggie seems to get the most attention. And good for her. She'll show you how much she appreciates it as she pees all over. The twins might be doing that too but it's hard to tell with such absorbant diapers. Maggie can't hide it. Our dear friend Alison just moved down the street (which I'm ecstatic about) and she is thinking about getting a doodle. I hope she does. Doodles really are the best and all Maggie wants is to still feel like a part of our family. (*Tangent alert*: Maggie got really weird about eating for a while in her stressful state and a recommended trick is to sprinkle a little parm cheese in her food and suddenly it turns into filet mignon)

The reason why I'm spending so much time with the blog tonight is because Matt went out for "guys night out" and I'm trying to stay awake to feed the babies their dream feed. Once the babies got to the point where they could go down to sleep and get a few solid hours in, we both started to allow ourselves some sort of personal time and independence. We both feel that is very important - to focus on each other and selfeshly, on ourselves. See, here is what is unfair: when I go out for girl nights, my window is from 7:30 to 11:00 when they need to eat again. When Matt goes out for guys night, his window is 7:30 until 7:30 the next morning. (If he goes out, he sleeps in the extra bed. snnnnoooooorrrreeee) So I was trying to explain to him over dinner that I really get like 5 girls nights to his 1 guy night. Right? My math is better than my spelling. And I might have one or two drinks and he has like, well, I won't go there. He works so hard at work and at home so I would never deny him some guy time but all I'm asking for is a level playing field!

Am I ruining my diet for having a second beer? Skinny Cow or Sam Summer...I'm back, had to get the bottle opener.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about my Bravo friends on the east coast but what about our friends on the west coast? I would like to say something to TamRa: Eddie is a smoke show. Really, I have a little thing for Latinos (even though I openly wish I was Canadian because Canadians are so awesome) and Eddie is no exception. Can you believe you were ever with such a wet blanket like Simon now that you have Eddie? N.I.C.E. He even wants you to have his baby! You should get in touch with Cindy because she knows how to get preggo after 45. Apparently there is a woman in India who was like 75 when she had her baby but good luck tracking her down - just call Cindy.

Oh My God! Will Farrell is on The Office right now. I must sign off. I can't miss as much as a single fart of Will Farrell's.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mile High Club

We are banished to the basement today; the plummers are finally here to fix the leak from the 2nd floor apt. It's pouring too so we can't leave the house...oh well, I guess I'll just have to take a nap...

While I was watching Bethenny in pieces yesterday I began to give too much thought to Jason's suggestion of joining the Mile High Club. I don't think anyone is a member; it's just folklore and fantisy. I mean come on, one person can hardly fit into a airplane bathroom let alone two and they are gross and dirty! Can you imagine exiting the bathroom to a plane full of people staring at you? Because people always look at who is coming out of the bathroom. Maybe people nookied on a private jet but anyone who claims their success on a commercial flight it lying. I also love that Julie is now 'the coordinator of chaos'. She must be very proud of her promotion.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Family Time

Connor and Caroline are 'officially' Catholics. This past weekend was their first big event - their baptism. Everything went perfectly. I had a little anxiety about the weekend with so many friends and family coming into town for the event - all of which wanted to spend time with the babies and I wasn't sure how they would react to so many new people holding and passing them. And our condo isn't large so just a few people makes the place seem very small. However, everything turned out to be great. Connor and Bug were champs and loved meeting their extended family (thank god, I didn't want to deal with meltdowns and freakouts, especially when people came from so far away) the weather was perfect and, selfishly, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my dear friend and Caroline's godmother, Kate. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to see Kate again and our girl time is always valuable to me. The twins also got to meet their cousins Freddie and Lydia and it was so fun to have the whole Lanzafame family together for a few days. Everyone seemed to go in different directions over the course of the weekend but the few hours when we were all together was so much fun. I know that it also meant the world to my mom and dad. This was the first time we were all together and it will be rare in the future so they really treasured it.

So St. Stephanie is down to just one day a week. The babies are sleeping great now so there is really no need like their was just a few weeks ago. I'm sure just because I put that in writing that they'll be back to waking up during the night. We went to the doctor yesterday for the monthly weigh-in and Connor is up to 9 lbs 13.5 oz and Caroline at 7 lbs 12.5 oz. He is now is No 1 diapers and she weighs the same as average sized newborn! Both are big milestones(hehehehehe). They can even wear normal clothes. Tomorrow is supposed to be a wash out so I'm going to start to pack up their shrunken premie clothes. It's almost sad, they are getting so big. Connor is at a really fun size, he is still small and cuddly but also rolly-polly. Like a little piglet. Bug is funny because she is so small but alert and strong so hear appearance throws people off. But I will say, now that she is filling out she is getting very pretty.

RHONY if going to be awesome this season! I love Ramona - according to one of Kate's friends who saw her at an event, she is stunning in person. Great skin. True ReNEWal must work. How about the fact she told the interviewer that she needs the lotion because she has bad skin? Unbelievable! I also love that Cindy has twins. But yikes, she's like pushing 50 and she has 10 month old twins? My back hurts, I can't imagine what hers feels like. Although if I had a full time staff to take care of them, I probably wouldn't be so sore and stiff from lugging around their carriers. I can't figure out if Jill has just lost weigh, gotten a nose/lip job or just has good botox but she morphs every season. And man is she nasty. I would not be friends with her! I don't know if I would be friends with anyone but Ramona now that Bethenny is gone. Maybe Alex. But I do think Alex needs to get over it and who cares if Jill is on the honorary committee for the gay marriage walk.

Are you Team Cosby or Team Trump?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

spacing issues

clearly I'm having some. I might need to HTML code to separate my paragraphs. Sorry for the long entries.

Much Better!

Compared to yesterday on a scale of 1-10, today was a 1000. I think Caroline was going through a little growth spurt and to make matters worse, she was having some ahem, plumming issues. She certainly cleared out her system today though! Without fail, on bath day. My kids always poop on the days they get tub baths. Maybe it's the warm water...and Connor rolled over! I put him on his tummy while I was tending to the poop machine and when I turned around, he was on his back! I politely asked him to do it again while I watched and he did. I've also been logging their sleep and I think the pattern is: mid/late morning nap, early afternoon nap and late afternoon cat nap. They can last about an hour, maybe a little more, after each meal before they fall asleep. In 'exciting' apartment news, we now have neighbors upstairs. They seem to be very nice and Matt and I spend much of our dinner conversations trying to figure out what their story could be. Anywho, one of their bathrooms leaked into our guest/baby station room. This happened TWICE! On Monday, the plummer needs to come in and begin to open our ceiling until he figures out what the problem is. What a pain in the ass. New contruction contractors are so funny - it was always someone elses problem. The fingers are always being pointed. I really don't care. I care that there is a problem and it needs to get fixed. The same contractor that built our house is also gutting next door. It's going to be a long, long, long 2 months. But our investment keeps $$ so we can put up with some noise and dirt if this street because desireable and valuable. So Bethenny needs to stop complaining about her birthday. That episode bothered me. How can anyone not appreciate everything Jason does? Having Ramona make a guest appearance was awesome. I can't wait for NYC to start. Remember how weird Alex and Simon were in the first few years but now I like them. See Bravo got NYC right - they know each other and are somehow connected. Miami and DC were just forced and uncomfortable. Let's move on to Pregnant in Heels. Awesome. Why didn't I think of having a focus group for our baby names? Really, Asher? And who names their kid Tucker these days. They should have went with Miles. I like Miles, we considered it (Miles and Madeline or Madison) and I'll keep that one filed away but with easy access in the event we ever need another name. Maybe for a hampster or something.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breaking Point

So far, this was a tough week. It's the first time that I had to put both kids down and leave the room to shed a tear, close my eyes and count to 10 to calm down and collect myself to muster the strength to carry on. We have been stuck inside since Sunday due to rain. Now that we have the night sleeping and feeding on a schedule, I've decided to tackle daytime naps. Over the last two weeks I've been trying to observe any patter and over the past week we have successfully began mid-morning naps. After that, it's all downhill. You see, with twins, they do have to nap at the same time - like going to bed at the same time, eating at the same time, etc. Even if they don't sleep right away, they need to go down for quiet time. Otherwise, one will sleep while the other wants to play, or one gets overtired and freaks out while the other baby wants to be held and both are screaming. It's just a hot mess and no one will ever get a break. I hope this won't last long and we figure something out because the afternoons are tough. Plus, I think they are getting to the point where they sleep best in their rockers, in their nursery with the lights off. I just have to figure out what works for them before I miss the window of opportunity and the day goes to shit. Great new show on Showtime - The Borgias. It just might be a good substitute for The Tutors. I missed Bethenny yesterday but I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about it once I watch it. Everyone is coming in this weekend for the babies baptism. I'm so excited to see everyone and for my sister's family to meet Connor and Caroline!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just When You Think You Figured It Out...

Did anyone see the twin segment on GMA this morning? I wonder if the same interesting facts hold true for fraternal twins...either way those talking twins are so cute. So I know that "as soon as you think you have a baby figured out they change"...but ugg, it's annoying. The babies are waking up again around 4:30 (vs 5:30/45) to eat. I might try giving them more formula during the dream feed. I don't want to force feed them (but I sort of do because neither are on the growth chart yet) but maybe they want more than 4 oz now. And of course I haven't run all week and I'm feeling so gross. I have a 5:00 am rule: Anything before 5:00 am is still considered the middle of the night to me so I'll go back to sleep. After 5:00 and I'll stay up and run or do things around the house or have about 7 cups of coffee... Speaking of gross, Caroline had another massive poop yesterday and it was all over everything. I just stood their holding her with my arms out having no idea where to even begin. I threw out her onesie, towel and clothes that I used to clean her up (before the 2nd bath of the day I had to give her). In the very exciting news department, I'm going out tonight with some girlfriends! My first night out. Although my window is brief and alcohol consumption is limited, it's still a reason to put on makeup and heels. I can't wait for a mojito and good guac! Mrs. Scotty Pippin with the poofy hair drives me nuts. Miami RH sucked. Really, could they think of anything better than having dinner parties and going to fashion shows? It was all so forced and casted poorly. What was the point of Cristy? Crashing Lea's party for the sake of the show didn't cut it. They need a Camille! Andy Cohen! Where are you with this one?!? I had to DVR Teen Mom and still haven't watched it yet. I'm sure I'll have a lot to blog about for that one.

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Real" Housewives

This is amazing and sums it all up for me. Also, Miami finale is tonight? That was only like 5 episodes. Thank god though because they stink worse than Caroline's farts. Like DC, not sure if they are bringing sexy back for a season 2. Sorry Scotty Pippins wife with the hair that looks bad in humidity, your Cuban friend who brings nothing to the table and the old drunk lady with the scary face that made Soup's Clip of the Week.

Deep Thoughts....

Where did Oprah's friend, Gail, come from? I sort of feel like it's just in recent years that she has become such a fixure on the show and with Oprah. (I loved the camping trip - who knew Oprah cooked and Gail does nothing? Come to think of it, I love Gail in general.) I also think Ryan Seacrest made a pact with the devil. Here is how the conversation went: Devil - "Ryan, give me your soul and I'll give you whatever you want". Ryan - "If you give me all things E! and Kardashian, you have yourself a deal". Ryan got the better end of the bargain. Seacrest OUT.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Big Week

It was a big week in the Curtin house. What started off as a miserable Monday stuck inside due to cold rain and sleet turned out to be a lovely week ending in a nice visit to see my old coworkers.

Social Security numbers and vaccination shots were two very exciting (I'm joking) things to happen in our house. The twins turned 10 weeks yesterday and I still hadn't received their SS cards yet so I called SS and they told me numbers were issued but they couldn't tell me what happened to the cards yet I had to go into my nearest SS office to apply for a replacement. Yes, you heard me correctly: their mistake and I had to go in-person to fix it. Luckily it didn't take long and the SS regional office is walking distance from Charlestown. Everyone there was very nice to me but only because I was carting around twins.

Thursday was the big 2 month doctors appointment. I'm totally on the fence about their pedi but that's a whole other story. I trust her as a doctor and she is conveniently located down the street so you can't beat it which is why I'll stick with her. I just wish she did a better job of getting to know her patients on a personal level. Connor now weighs 8 lbs 13 oz and Caroline is at 6 lbs 10 oz. I can't believe it! Connor has little chubby rolls everywhere too. The vaccinations were very hard. I cried when Connor got his shots (he was first). Poor little guy was so upset. Apparently one of them really stings the baby, like a bee sting so it's more than just the needle that upsets them. I obviously didn't know how they would be affected but after they calmed down and ate they seemed okay. So we went to Target (first time with the babes!). On the way home they both started to get fussy and by the time they were out of their carriers, hell broke loose. They both sobbed for about 2 hours, I begged Matt to come home and help me. Thank god he was able to leave a little early and come home to us. I couldn't even take their temps because I couldn't put one down to tend to the other. I just sat on our bed with puke all over me (Caroline was so worked up she kept throwing up) holding them close. Eventually they feel asleep and when they woke up they were much better. And yesterday they were back to normal. It was so hard to see them in so much discomfort. But now we know how they will likely respond with their 4 month vacs so we'll be better prepared.

The week ended with a Friday morning visit to go see my old coworkers. I had been looking forward to seeing them for weeks and I was so happy to walk into the office. I miss them all and I miss my job. They were all so excited to meet the babies. We stayed for a while to catch up and gossip about new biz people and business. Oh, and of course Connor had an up-the-back poop but luckily his outfit was saved. On that note, they both had HUGE HUGE poops yesterday afternoon at the same time. Seriously, I heard Caroline and as soon as I turned to her to pick her up so poop didn't go on the couch, Connor had a blow out. How on earth did they manage to time that one?

Last night ended with the usual weekly Friday dinner out with the Purtells and the Walkers joined us. They are about to leave on a 10 day trip to Italy before Matt Walker (yes the third Matt in the group) starts business school. I can't wait until Matt and I can go on a nice vacation together again - just the two of us.

Great Bethenny episode this week! As we are preparing for the twins baptism in two weeks it was very timely. It's like she knows me and her show is just for me!!! She actually just sent me an email with some good recipies in it. The clown outfits were a little too much, glad they went with the Pandas.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Catching Up

I just wrote an entire blog entry and it somehow got deleted! Arg, let me try again.

March is an interesting month in Boston. Today it is about 40 degrees, Friday was 70. When the weather is like that, Bostonians take advantage. People leave work early, outside seating areas are full with people having a drink, joggers are out in full force and the smell of grilling is everywhere. Steph and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful day with a long walk along Storrow Dr to the Back Bay. We set off late morning with full diaper bags, sneakers and embarassingly, matching Lulu Lemon outfits, ready to walk. We were walking near Bunker Hill Comm College talking about Thursday night's 30 Rock episode (which, for Bravo reality tv watchers, it had hilarious references) when sudenly I heard her yell "Erin! Run!" It look me a second to see the large dark black smoke mass rising right in front of us on the Prison Point Bridge. Cars were racing in reverse and people were running down the hill from the T stop. I turned around and ran with Steph and the strollers into the nearby 99 Restuarant. I thought it was an accident with a car fire, Steph thought it was a terrorist attack (tangent: Steph thinks everything is a terrorist attack. If I were a terrorist, I wouldn't attack the PPB but then again, I'm not a terrorist). It was actually a diesel spill on the train tracks under the bridge and luckily no one was hurt. The point of this story is that it was at this moment when I felt my first motherly panic. I probably could have picked up a car if I had to. All I could think about was getting my little babies as far from that mess as I could.

After we calmed down, we walked in the other direction to the North End where we enjoyed a nice lunch at Joe's (first time bringing the babies somewhere in public without Matt and first time we used a changing table!) then we walked a litte more and met up with our friend Brooke and her son, Cameron. We went back to Brooke's fabulous waterfront apt and had a glass of champagne. Random maybe but not if you know Brooke. All and all, it was an excellent end to what started off as a tramatic day. It also got me so excited for the next few months. I love my babies and love taking care of them but this winter has been so hard being stuck inside most of the time.

The weekend was lovely. Grandpa Curtin and Cynthia came to visit us for the first time since the babies were born and we all had a great time. It was great to see them and even better to have two extra sets of hands!

Maggie and I made the four mile loop on Saturday morning! She was dragging ass, I guess she is in worse shape than I am but we did it. We took today off :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rainy Days....

Ah, Hoosiers. Like Braveheart, Godfather I, Godfather II and Goodfellas, it's hard to change it when it's on TV. I also feel the same way about The Cutting Edge. Did I just type that and not delete it?...

We did another successful car trip on Monday. Connor and Caroline were a hit at Matt's office and they liked seeing where dad works. They were extremely fussy all morning, Caroline had another big blowout right before we left so it was a little chaotic and I wondered how they were going to be around a bunch of people. But they were great. And I was able to get my new sneakers. This morning I felt like a woman with new hips and knees. I'm religious about staying on top of my running gear but since I hadn't run since November, I like things slide. I'm glad that I have been able to get in quick runs here and there with Maggie and I really hope I can continue to do so. The babies have been doing great about sleeping until 5:15-5:45 and going back to bed around 8 so as long as they keep this up, I can do it.

St. Stephanie is going down to 2 days a week. Because they aren't getting up anymore (regularly at 2:00 and 4:30 or so) in the middle of the night we have decided to cut back on the expense a little bit. I hope Matt is okay, he seems to have more trouble with sleep deprivation than I do and he sleeps more than I do!

Early Assessment Program came to our house yesterday and testing the twins. In their cognative and gross motor skills they are at the two month mark. In the language and fine motor stills, they are closer to the one month mark. I was secretely hoping they would have told us that both babies are ahead of the curve in everything but the reality is that they were born over a month early and being at the one month mark for some and two month mark for others is technically ahead of the curve...

It's rainy today so we aren't going anywhere. I think I'll do some online shopping. Actually, I need to start to look for Easter outfits for the twins. The next two days look fantastic so we'll be ready to get back out on the town and play with some friends. Maybe even get some ice cream, or beer...decisions decisions...

Did anyone else catch the food blopper on Bethenny? Nick said he didn't eat red meat so he couldn't eat the pork empanada...isn't pork the other white meat?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Really? TV??

On Thursday, Connor, Caroline and I were invited to join a few other Charlestown moms for a rainy afternoon hangout. Some of the mothers I had met at a breakfast a few weeks before, others were new. This was a clearly established little circle of mothers who have babies that are a few weeks older than the twins but they were all very lovely. However, as they each continued to compare mothering stories (I was surprised they still were, I mean they get together every few days, what hadn't they covered?) I began to wonder if I needed to revise my mothering rules. For example, they were all talking about how their kids aren't allowed to watch TV or different CD/DVDs they play while their children are quietly sleeping in the swings. I didn't add too much to this conversation but should I feel bad that my kids 'watch' Sex and the City reruns with me all afternoon? I mean, they can't even watch TV! If they stare at it for 5 minutes, it's just the color and contrast they are interested in. I hardly think Samantha will have an influence on Caroline at this point. As for music, I'm all about Mumford and Sons right now and Connor seemed to like The Gypsy Kings as we did laundry last week. And we all listen to Beethoven during dinner. Must we play singing animals and puppets in their nursery? They aren't learning numbers or ABCs yet...I'm not sure if I'll get back together with this group or not. Maybe, but luckly I have a few other friends with young babies that play by similar rules to mine anyway.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Matt in the office so all of his coworkers can meet the babes. I'm also using this as an excuse to go to Niketown and get new sneakers. Mine are so stiff and old (I think I got them before my last half marathon...last May!). Maggie and I have been good about our 3x a week goal. I might even try a 4 miler next week. If I have the window is so short and my speed is still on the same level as a amatur turtle.

I think it's very weird that Kourney and Kim Take New York's theme song is "I'm in Miami, Bitch". What?? How did Ryan Seacrest let that happen?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Week of Firsts

Ah, I finally have the chance to sit down today. It was a go-go-go day today. The babies are either going to sleep great or be very cranky and cry all evening.

Yesterday, we went to our first Mommy and Baby class here in Charlestown and I was the only mom that showed up! The class in the slot time before my 'class' is full and apparently there are 3 other mothers that signed up for the same class I did but no one came. It was so weird and awkward! I stayed and talked to the instructor while the babies did about 4 minutes worth of tummy time. If no one comes next week, I'll be deciding if I want to join the other class or get my money back. Today we had to go to the mall for a quick errand. It was the first time that I packed up the kids, drove them in the car and took them to such a public place. The trip ended up to be a bust - however - I was able to go to Starbucks and I'm glad that I took them somewhere by myself. I feel much more confident to do it again. I decided that I really want to start to take them places one on one. Or even just spend time with them as individuals. I get worked up and stressed about trying to meet their immediate needs that sometimes I feel that I miss out on just enjoying them. As the babies evolve from premies to infant twins, they are much more lively, vocal and active. It's a completely different challenge that just 3 weeks ago. Connor is starting to smile (sporatically, not at me yet), both are starting to make their 'coo' noises. Bug is into looking around at everything. But when they want something, they let me know it and often it's at the same time. It's hard to listen to two screaming babies that both need me at the same exact moment.

Did anyone else notice how excited Bethenny got when she saw Nick the Foodie? I think that guy is hilarious. Just when I thought Jason might have surpassed Bethenny as my favorite person on the show, in comes Nick the Foodie. I also think the season of RHO OC is going to be juicy. I'm on Team Tamara. Gretchen is annoying. And Alexis is hot. She is, we can all admit it. (However, I don't have a girl crush on her like I have on Bethenny.) I also like Vicky, I always have but she really needs to stop complaining about everything and everyone. I miss Jeanna.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

They Slept, I Didn't

Busy weekend at the Curtins! The big news is that the babies slept from 11:30 - 5:45 last night. Yes, you read that right - 6 hours! I woke up around 3:30 when they usually wake up and thought they are still sleeping so I dozed off thinking they would be up in about 10 minutes. I woke up at 4:15 and realized they were still sleeping so I got nervous and went to the nursery to check on them and make sure they were still alive! They were.

I kept getting up every 30 minutes to check on them because I was in such shock. Connor and his pipes finally rose at 5:45. Now I'm not an idoit and think this will happen all the time. However, it happened and maybe someday it'll happen again. I had a little bit of wine (seriously, just a little bit, that isn't code for "a lot") could that have anything to do with it?

We went out to dinner with the Purtell's on Friday night. It was awesome, I was so happy that I was actually giddy about going out. It was the first time we brought the babies to a public place that is crowded. They slept the whole time but this outing continued to boost my confidence in taking the twins places. Yeah, it is hard and a huge hassle to get two infants out the door. But we won't let it keep us from doing things.

The weekend also included a 3-mile run with Maggie and a trip to the mall. I desperately need new everything right now. My closet is filled with only old clothes or maternity clothes. I also need new shoes. I'm sort of into ballet flats this spring but I'm still searching for the perfect pair. Like 90% of the time, I'll probably default to Zappos. Luckily for Matt, I only had a 2 hour window so I didn't do much damage.

I can't wait for the RHOOC tonight!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long Day...

Is it really only 12:30??

Stephanie was here last night which means that Matt and I get a good night sleep (I have to get up only once at night) but that we get up early to see her off. When she leaves at 6:30 we get up for the day. When we are on our own, I might go back to sleep after their first early morning meal so I get up around 7:00 or 7:30 on those days. I digress...but today I got in my second run with Maggie. Same loop, not very far but it was easier than it was on Saturday! Plus, it was a good way to start the day and I feel like I had some time for myself.

We are in the process of getting Life Insurance. It's sort of overwhelming. Oh and today we found out that based on inflation and rising education costs, it's going to be approximately $1.5M to send the babies to college. Who can afford that? Seriously, even very wealthy people can't afford that.

Today was bath day, both the babies hate it. I'm trying different techniques and singing different songs. They do like The Itsy Bitsy Spider... I think they hate being naked more than wet and there is really no way around that. Suggestions?

Does DVR tape two shows at the same time? Somehow Teen Mom didn't get recorded (gasp!) but RHO Miami did...I think I might be bored of this cast. It's like DC, fake drama whipped up by Andy Cohen. Camille needs to move to Miami and get in on this action! Camille needs to be omnipresent on all reality TV. Think of her on Survivor, Jersey Shore, Cake Boss, oh- The Bachelorette! Just dwell on that for a while.

As soon as I have more than 15 minutes, I'm going to work on the appearance of this blog. More tips please, Liz!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yay! It's March!

I'm back. I couldn't get the the computer yesterday because I spent the entire day either holding Connor or Caroline. I have no idea what got into either of them but 'fussy' hardly describes. Screaming and screeching is more like it. Today they are much better. Go figure but thank god we didn't have a repeat.

I had to go to a doctors appointment and in doing so, I had to walk through the Prudential Center. It dawned on me as I was riding the escalator that it was the first time in over six weeks that I was last there. I entered the Boylston street doors every day for six years and it was almost weird to be back. I miss it, I miss working, I miss adults, I miss routine. But I finally feel good and like I can move on with my life and now that the weather is going to get better and the babies are getting bigger I can start a new routine with them. They need me more than anyone right now and recently, they don't let me forget it!

I hope that everyone else thinks Charlie Sheen is a crazy person. I sort of can't get over it. It's the train wreck you can't stop staring at. What's up the the 'godessess'? There is only ONE Hugh Heffner so don't even go there, Chuck. You weirdo. I'm so happy that Bethenny is back. Sort of a sad episode; Jason's family is so nice and basically Bethenny told them they need to keep their distance and that she and Jason might move to California. That won't work for me. It would be like Carrie Bradshaw moving to Cali - she is a New Yorker and that's what works for Bethenny. (At least the Parisian attempt was sexy, LA is just sort of cheesy.) If she moves, she'll just be another RHO O.C/Bev Hills. I bet she would hand Camille her head on a plate! Oooooo, I would like to see that! Hazelton looks like PA's Utica counterpart. I just had to throw that in the end here....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snow, Snow, Snow

Uggggg - more snow. I can't handle it anymore. I did nowever get a break yesterday when the sun was shining and I went for RUN! Yup, that's right, a whopping 2.35 miles according to I was exhausted, sore and had a bad side stich but I did it. I took Maggie with me. Maggie has been my running partner since she was about 8 months old. She is a great jogger and just loves it. Initially we were going to go for a brisk walk but I looked at her as we left the house and in her little Maggie-way-of-communication, she begged to jog. So we did. She smiled the entire time and I'm glad I was able to make her day and give her some quality attention that she has been wanting. It was the first time in 5 months that I ran and although it was physically exhausting, it was exactly what I needed too. I'm commited to working out 3x a week; I feel like that is managable with the babies.

We are so lucky that we live on Mystic St. I think there are more Colgate alums on this street than any other street in Boston. No kidding. And two of them happen to be Matt's really good friends - all of which have children between 2 mo-2 years. So every once and a while we rotate houses for dinner. Nothing fancy but it's our way of getting one another out of the house, being social and spending time together. Yesterday's dinner was at the Kubec's and I'll admit I'm always jealous leaving because Michelle is a very good cook. The bar has been set - high.

I wish I had seen the King's Speech. I've been dying to see it but I didn't get the chance. The only Oscar noms that I have seen is The Fighter and The Social Network. I always feel like I miss out if I haven't seen the movie that wins best picture. Not that I'll still be awake to see the award given out! I'll have to get all the news in the morning.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Loving Adult Company...and Teenage Pregnancy

Sandy finally felt better so she came and spent all day yesterday and this morning with me before she headed down to NYC. It was so nice to have her around and it was so clear that she just loved spending time with the babies. Even when she didn't feel good and was staying at Andrew's, she still made us some food to eat and sent it over. More than the help, I just really enjoyed some adult company - in particular her company. Even if we were just watching TV or going for a walk, it was nice to have someone around that talks back to you!

Last night was a little tough so this morning I had a bit of the blues. Days and nights are challenging right now and at some point it catches up with you. But the day was salvaged. After a nice, long hot shower that Sandy's presence allowed me to have, Steph and I went for a walk and rather than doing our two loop usual - we went to have a mid-day beer! Max and Dillons in Charlestown is very family friendly; unlike the rest of the watering holes that date back to 1680, M&D is bigger, newer and if you go at 3:00 pm during a weekday there are few people there. So the five of us made a pit stop, took over the bar and she and I felt almost normal for a brief hour. That was also the first time I brought the twins 'somewhere' that wasn't a hospital, doctor's office or someone's home. Another first that I can cross off the list.

I've gotten very good about DVRing shows at night to watch during the day. I would like to give a congratulatory shout out to Leah and Corey for getting engaged! Clever Corey, take her 'fishing' and put the ring on the line. Like she didn't see you do it...She is my favorite because I think she is a good mom and of course because she has twins. I hope everything is okay with Ally. I couldn't imagine what I would do if Connor or Caroline faced some of those unknown issue. And it's not like heathcare in West Virginia is stellar. Is that why they had to wait months for an MRI? Even though Jenelle and Kailyn (who I actually fell bad for, what's the deal with her mom?) are just trainwrecks, no one is worse than Chelsea. Does she seriously just sit around all day on her ass? So much needs further explaination! And her dad is totally weird - do something besides complain about Adam and stop paying for her to sit around all day. I would also 'rewind' and not cast her if I was Liz Gatley.

I'm also happy that Ghost Hunters is back for another season. I haven't watched the past few seasons but I'm going to get back into it. I better see some ghosts this season. For every 19 episodes, there is one apparition. It's a big investment for little reward.

Yay that the weekend is almost here and the babies are 6 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Our big outting today was the Charlestown Mother's Association new mom's breakfast. Steph and Weston went too but it was nice to meet other moms in Charlestown. There must have been about 15 mothers there, most babies were born between Christmas and now. I was the only twin mom and I got a lot of questions like "how do you manage" and "how do you do it"? The truth is - I have to. I have no choice and I don't know any different and this is my reality.

Matt and I are finding that one of the things that helps us so far is staying on schedule. I'm not sure if anyone watched Oprah yesterday but Celine Dion was there with her twins, everyone in the audience was a twin but most impressive was the McGee Sextuplets. If they can do it with 6, we can do it with 2. Those babies were so cute and when the mother announced that she held a baby while changing another one's diaper when they were at the airport I nearly dropped Bug. THAT is amazing but again - you do what you have to. She gave me the motivation to figure out how to put both babies in my sling and wha-la! As I type this both babies are chilling together in the sling against my chest. (I sort of hate that I start many of my sentences with "On the Today Show today" or "I was watching Oprah"...but it is what it is right now. Besides, I'm now obsessed with Ellen and not shy to admit it.)

St. Stephanie is coming tonight and I'm so excited about it. The past few nights Connor has been waking up every 1.5-2 hours and it's made for some long nights. Bug has been sleeping pretty well but the rule is that if one wakes up, wake the other for a feed and change .

I really have to work on this blog. My friend Liz shared her awesome blog with me and it's amazing. She needs to give me tips! She has certainly given me motivation - I can't wait to run again. I'm shooting for Saturday!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is it going to happen?...

Is Brenda going to walk down the isle right now and marry Sonny or is Carly going to ruin everything? When my mom was here she asked if we were going to call Caroline "Carly" because apparently that is Carly's full name (on the show of course). Really, Jan?

Is it bad that sometimes I eat several apples a day? Sometimes with lunch, then as a mid-day snack and sometimes we have apples, cheese and crackers for our app while we make dinner. I love them. I've housed two of them today and it's only 3:30.

We had a lovely dinner last night with our friends Adrianne and Stephen. Steve went to Colgate with Matt and they were roommates briefly in Boston. He is a twin so he has been excited for us from the beginning. Their wedding in May will be our first overnight away from the babies and we are already pretty excited for a weekend in Newport - just us.

Connor had a bad night on Saturday but last night the babies were pretty good so I got some sleep - 8 hours to be exact. 4-2-2. Not too bad; as long as I can get a stretch of 4-5 hours at a time and then a few extra hours here or there, I think I can get through the hard part. But we'll see how they are doing in a few more weeks.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's Cold Season

Our dear family friend planned to come and stay with us for a few days to help us out with the babies during school vacation. But when she arrived today - she has a cold! Luckily her son lives a few door down so she is going to stay with him tonight and possibly until she gets better. (If her cold started Tuesday, she should be okay after the weekend. That might actually work out well because she can spend time with Andrew and then come over here on Monday.) I can't believe it; we are so bummed. And so is she of course. Not just for the help but because we were looking forward to just having her around. I've always been one of those people who goes to great lenghts to avoid sick people. I hate being sick. And if the babies catch a cold that would be the pits. Although I hate being sick, I can handle it. Not sure if they would be as accomodating.

I don't have too much to report today, it was sort of uneventful. I don't even have fun TV to give my two cents on. My big outting was the grocery store. Whoo-hoo...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wipes: Huggies vs Pampers

I forgot to mention that if anyone needs wipes, get Huggies! We have been using Pampers and the box they come in stinks! The wipes don't easily come out of the box after you are about half way through so you have to open it all they way which is so annoying when you have a crying baby in front of you, not to mention another one crying in the background. Huggies has a very nice little dispenser.

NATURALLY we just figured this out - after we ordered like 10 boxes of Pampers wipes from Amazon....

Connor has his first little diaper rash, poor honey.

The Food Network

Dear Food Network - You must change your programing schedule. I can't believe you have Ina Garten following Paula Dean. Uppers and downers don't mix! Cushion the withdrawl by adding Down Home with the Neely's or Sandra Lee between the two to soften the fall.

We all got a great night sleep thanks to St. Stephanie last night. She told us that we have good babies but I hope she didn't jinx us! Our pediatrician gave us tips to help them sleep for at least a 4 hour stretch at night so we are just following her directions. We went to the doctor today and the babes are looking great. Connor made it to 6 lbs 3 oz and Caroline is 4 lbs 15 and 3/4 oz. Come on! Just give the girl 5 lbs, she has been trying so hard. Obviously they are both sleeping since Ina is on the tv...

We went for another walk with Weston today. It's going to get cold again so it'll be a few days before we can go for another walk. Steph and I decided that the next warm day we'll either stop to get frozen yogurt at Emack and Bolio's or we'll get a beer at T.O Dubb's. My vote is for the latter! It's never too early to take your children to Tavern.

Oh my god Ina! You are driving me crazy! I'm going back to Cash Cab.

We should be getting our dryer situation fixed in the next few days. Thank God.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Witching Hour

I'm shocked to report that both my little 'angels' are sleeping after their last feeding. Normally 5:00 starts the witching hour which can last until 8:00 or 9:00. I think they might be tired because we had a very eventful day.

I think last night threw everyone off. I usually go to sleep around 9:00/10:00 pm and Matt stays awake a little longer for the last feeding and I wake get up with them around 3;00 or so when they want to eat again. Because my husband is fabulous, he offered to try to the mid-night feeding if I stayed up. I think being out of the routine threw both of us for a loop. He said he had to get that new super-sized Trenta coffee at Starbucks today.

I think we are also having dryer issues. Well, not the dryer as the Sears Blue Crew told us, but the ducts. Somehow, somewhere, the ducts are clogged and our drying isn't doing a good job drying all the laundry that needs to get done. Of course while my brother was here and Matt was at work, I asked him to go and look at the outside ducts with me and he looked at my like I had 5 heads. For the record, Lanzafames are NOT good handymen. Growing up, if there was a leaky faucet, we called the plumber. I think using a plunger was about as saavy as we got. So when John saw a ladder and a broom and even though I was giving him instructions as to what to do, he just stood there like a deer in headlights. I think we need a real professional to come handle this. I'm not even sure where to begin. Being a homeowner is really hard and I hate to sort of point the finger at the contractor but this is the second issue that has come up in a few weeks. (The second day Connor was home our pipes froze and we had NO water for over 24 hours. Yes, we couldn't even use the toilet. The issue was that a pipe under the front outside stairs was not insulated enough and there was not a heater keeping the pipes warm.)

On a much happier note, we enjoyed a lovely long walk today with our friend Weston. Steph and I couldn't have been happier to finally get out of the house and go for a walk with the babes. Seriously, if anyone told us that going for a walk would feel like winning the lottery back in our crazy college years, we wouldn't have believed them. We spent half the time talking about how awesome it was just to walk. And MAN am I out of shape. I have a lot of work to do.

Oh! I just remembered I DVRed Teen Mom! I'm going to watch it before Matt gets home....

And many thanks to my wonderful mother who swooped in for a uber-brief overnight stay but helped us out tremendously.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

GH Update

Jan just arrived in time to grab the babies and turn on General Hospital. She was happy to report that James Franco will be coming back any episode now - certainly in time for Sonny and Brenda's wedding next week.

Eat Up, Kiddies!

When we found out we were having twins, I had some time to mentally prepare myself for what the first few months might be like. I made a list of personal daily requirements vs optional tasks. Requirements are things like brushing my teeth, taking a shower (I know many people may see this as optional but for me, it's a requirement even if it's only 3 minutes) and optional are things like putting on real clothes like jeans (vs sweats) and going through mail (although there is only so long I can put that one off...). Based on my day yesterday, wearing a shirt might go from required to optional. Connor and Caroline wanted to eat constantly. And when Caroline aka "Bug" (*tangent alert* - Matt and I started calling Caroline 'Bug' not on purpose but because we have this green striped swaddle that makes her look just like a Gloworm, I'll be sure to post a pic. Anywho, somehow Bug started to stick.) wasn't eating she needed to be held. I hope this is a short lived growth spurt! And for those of you who have twins or know someone who does, there is a serious set up that is required to feed two babies at once. I have my remote, water, gatorade, burp clothes and phone all strategically set up around me in the event I don't get off the couch for a while - which was the case yesterday. I can't even imagine what my living room must have looked like to an outsider. If the mailman saw me, I'm sure it would have totally jazzed up his otherwise boring Tuesday (because as we all know, Tuesday is the worst day of the week - yuck!).

What jazzed up my otherwise boring Tuesday was the Real Housewives of OC reruns all day on Bravo. I totally forgot about One Season Only Tammy! And seriously Slade and Jo, you should have broken up for good when Jo got drunk off of the fish bowls the season before. I cann't wait for the RHO of Miami and OC to start next week. And don't get me started on Bethenny. YAY! But Bethenny, you should really send out your e-newsletter more frequently, I feel like they only come every 4 months and we need more content than your Skinny Girl Marg recipe. But I still love you...

I was so happy to see Matt when he got home. And I was even happier that last night was a St. Stephanie night. Stephanie is the night nanny that comes 2-3 nights a week to rescue us from an otherwise rapid downward spiral into insanity. So I actually feel pretty good today and I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my mom and brother. They are both coming into town for a brief 24 hours while my brother has a little break from his service duties. Connor and Bug can't wait to meet their uncle. The babies just got a bath, both did really well but Bug peed on me. Ususally its Connor but I guess she was due.

Did anyone watch the Westminster Dog Show yesterday? We did, Maggie really wanted to watch it. Congrats Hickory!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


BRAVO is showing Real Housewives of OC re-runs of the original cast for the next two hours!! Slade is so creepy....

My First Post...

I can't believe I've joined the bloggers. And I can't believe that I just spent 15 mintues trying to determine what font I want to use. (I might change it a bunch of times, bare with me.) Just to set the record straight, I'm not looking to be a 'mommy blogger'. I'm using this as a place for all my friends and family that live far away to keep updated with my life with the twins. And lets face it, even if no one reads this, doesn't everyone like to hear themselves 'talk'? I should type fast, I'm listening to my babies make funny noises which means they are either waking up or just making funny noises in their sleep. Caroline often does that, I shouldn't laugh at her but sometimes I do. I can't believe a 4 lb baby can make noises like that, not to mention make the massive poops she makes. Same with Connor, how is it possible?? Thank god for the diaper genie.

Connor and Caroline were born on January 14 at 35 weeks and 4 days. Both babies were and are pefectly healthy but small. Connor weighed 4 lb 7 oz and Caroline 3 lb 11 oz. They both spent time at the Beth Israel hospital NICU in Boston. They are home now and are doing great. I'm not going to rehash that experience on the blog so we'll start from this day forward.

So far, the babies just do a lot of sleeping, eating and pooping and I do a lot of sitting on the couch feeding them and watching really bad day time TV. My mom wants me to get into General Hospital but I just can't do it. Sorry Sonny! Although I do think it's funny that you are somehow everyone's dad and have if someone wants to let me know when James Franco makes his next appearance, that would be great. As soon as the weather gets better here in Boston, we'll use this hour as our walking time. But seeing as though today is 22 degrees and I have a crap load of Thanks Yous and laundry to get to, GH it just might be today...