

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy (Belated) Mothers Day!

Shame on me, I should have logged on to say Happy Mothers Day to all even if that's all I had to write about. I hope that you all - newbies and vets - had a fantastic day. In case you were wondering, I had a great day. I spent the morning by myself and the afternoon with my family.

The kids are adjusting nicely to their cribs. Finally. It's been a week and many people have asked me "do you think they were ready"? The bottom line is, I don't know. I'll never know and they may have never been ready, be it now or 6 months from now. I don't want to rush they for any milestone that I don't think they are ready for but sometimes you just need to try.

Caroline has her first runny nose. I'm not sure if it's a cold, allergies or just some sniffles. It's not so bad that she can't nurse or sleep but poor little thing is noisy and I've had to use the bulb syringe for the first time since they were in the hospital. I hope it gets better before it gets worse. I've been taking Airborne for her.

Congrats to Bethenny for the Skinnygirl sale to Beam. I tried Skinnygirl at a Derby party over the weekend and I'm on the fence. But I think it's because I don't love margaritas. So that fact that I liked it enough would lead me to highly recommend it for those of you that love margaritas. I wonder if this is the end of the show. Now what? How about they make a reality show about the Hoppys in Hazelton! I would watch it!

Today is one of those days where I just can't warm up. It's not going to stop us from going out to do something. This is also one of those days where I can't believe it's only 12:15 pm.

Oh, for those of you with babies in the Boston area, the movie theater at Legacy Place shows a movie at 12:00 every Thursday when moms can bring their babies. "Something Borrowed" is this weeks movie. I can't go this week but I think I'm going to check it out soon. What a good idea.

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