

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Words of Wisdom

I realize I haven't blogged in a while but for good reason - we went home to NY with the babes last week. The trip was a success! They did great in the car, Matt and I learned a little bit as to how we need to time the trip next time and they slept surprisingly well in a new place. Of course the best part about the trip was to see our family. My mother even babysat so we could have a Friday night date. Unfortunately, central new york is not known for it's exceptional cuisine - somehow even the hamburgers are disappointing - but we'll take what we can get. Maybe next time we'll opt for a movie.

The babes also got to spend lots of time with their cousins. That's really important to both my sister and me. At this point the visits really consist of one of the babies crying, the other dozing off, Freddie trying to get Connor to play with him and Lydia crawling and touching everything she can. It's choas really. But it's wonderful to watch our family grow. We were very close with our cousins growing up and we want our children to have the same relationship with each other.

When we got home, we decided it was time to move the babies from their rocker basenette to their crib. Connor didn't have a problem at all. It's been a very, very long two days with Caroline. She really didn't like it at all so we tried a number of different things to see how she might be most comfortable. We even called St. Stephanie to see if she would be able to help us for a night. Poor Caroline even lost her voice from crying so hard (it's almost cute and raspy but that's not the point). However, she pulled through last night. I'm not sure if the fatigue got to her or what but she went right to sleep and slept until 6:00 am. And she went down with little fighting for her morning nap too. She likes a slight incline - the problem with that is that she rolled down the mattress a little bit. How do you stop that? My friend Steph has the same set up for her son and she told me he rolls every night!

Steph went back to work yesterday and I had a really hard time with it. Maybe not as hard as it was for her to leave Weston but it was still very lonely on our walk yesterday.

I can't believe that Bethenny's over in a week. Of course the previews show her crying about how she has everything she ever wanted. If I don't give up on the show next season, I hope at least Nick the Foodie has a larger role.

Friends, I would like to leave you with the best reality TV quote I have heard in a long time by the ever-so-wise Kelly Bensimon "I just want to enjoy this awesome life that we have. That's all." Oh Kelly - so profound!

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