

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Overnight = Success!

I'm happy to report that we survived our first babysitter AND our first overnight away from the twins! Last Wednesday, we had to attend a dinner and we found a babysitter for 3 hours. Actually, there were two ($$, ouch) but one we knew and it was her friend who will likely babysit for us again so she acted as a buffer for us and her friend to ease her into getting to know how the twins work. I was more nervous about how the babies were going to behave that I was about leaving them. But they did great and now that experience is under our belt.

As is our first overnight! We went to a wedding in Newport on Saturday so Grandma Jan and Papa Sam came to watch them. Like the babysitter, I was nervous about how they would be for the grandparents. Plus we all came down with a cold last week so they were sick to boot. Connor had a tough night waking up frequently and Jan was very nice about it but I'm sure she left exhausted. (I didn't tell her he slept for 7 hours the following night...) Matt and I couldn't get out of the house fast enough and I felt very guilty that I had such a good time away from them. But I did miss them and by Sunday morning we were up early and on our way home. It's important for us to get away for some mommy/daddy time and have a good time with other adults. We have no plans in the forseeable future to leave them again but maybe we'll plan a little something - assuming someone like Jan will watch them again.

We had our 4 month check up today. I'm wondering what the babies will be like when they wake up. I learned my lesson last time regarding how to handle the vaccines. Today we came right home, ate a little something, took some baby tylenol and went right to bed. No tears. I'm just going to let them sleep until they want to wake up. Anything to avoid the screaming and thrashing - poor honeys. They are still not on the growth chart for weight yet but their pedi thinks they should be in the next month or two. They are for height (3%)and head circumference (13% and 24%)! And Caroline is almost as tall as her brother now. He is just chunkier.

I need to catch up on my reality TV so I'll get back to you all on that.

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