

Monday, April 25, 2011

Will They Be Traumatized For Life?

First - WHY are all the RH all about modeling for a local designer and hosting dinner parties with celebrity chefs? None of which are real celebs?...The writers HAVE to come up with something better than those two scripts. (I was mildly disappointed that Ramona was able to control her death-by-eyes-bugging-and-hips-swinging catwalk.)

Second - I can't believe I'm saying this but Bethenny is starting to annoy me. What's up with her "woe is me, I have everthing I've ever wanted and now I'm going to complain about it". Basta! You are no longer my priority DRV show.

So last night, we had to use gycerine suppositories for the babes. Caroline was so uncomfortable, it had been almost a week since she went to the bathroom and Connor wasn't far behind. I'm not sure why this happens every once and a while. Their diet didn't change and neither did mine. It was NOT a fun experience for anyone and there were a lot of tears. They typically take 15-60 minutes to work but in typical Connor behavior, he let out a few farts and then wham! 45 seconds later he was all set. He is such a boy. I'll remain descrete about Caroline in typical lady-like fashion but she felt much better by the time she went to sleep.

We had our first Twin Class today. FINALLY! C+C share a birthday with another set of twins - Carolina and Gabriella - and the four of them are the oldest in the group. There were two moms with babies under 6 weeks and my heart goes out to them. They both looked so tired and stressed and scared. I was there not too long ago. It sort of is a time I want to forget; I get that awful feeling in my belly and I just don't want to think about it. It was lonely, isolating, cold (in my case being all winter) and stressful. It was great to commiserate with other twin moms but I realised that what I could "learn" in the class I have already learned by trial, error, books, the internet and friends. And a lot of common sense.

For those of you who have Showtime, I HIGHLY recommend The Borgias. It's every bit as good as The Tudors. Jury is still out on Game of Thrones and I'm thrilled that Treme started again.

1 comment:

  1. I don;t like bethaney anymore at all. I cant even really stand looking at her!! Oh and your poor babies and their suppositories!!!! ugh. When can we meet up- I work right by fanueil. lets meet for lunch!!!!!!
