

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Go Runners!

So I'm a little late on this blog but I'm been meaning to write quickly about all the athletes that ran the marathon this past Monday. Congrats to all! Having run several half marathons, I always finish that 13.1 and think to myself - there is no way that I want to turn around and do that again so I think it's such an accomplishment to do 26.2.

Our Aunt Carolyn came to stay with us for a few days and we had a wonderful time with her. Matt and I both just love her company and she is such an easy guest. She is low maintenance, proactive in helping (she has twins so she totally gets it), we can sit in silence in our ipads and be totally comfortable - it was just a great few days. We also had our annual "Curtin Summer Kick Off Party" on Marathon Monday. A few years ago the party would have consisted of kegs and shotguns but this year it was about cupcakes and baby bjorns. And not just because of the twins, it seems that most of our friends are also in the baby phase right now. It was a good time and important for the adutls to get together and feel like, well, adults.

We finally saw the Kings Speech! Matt, Carolyn and I ordered sushi and watched it on Tuesday night. It was a perfect activity for a rain, cold night. Poor Carolyn, the weather really wasn't great when she was here and today it's warmer and sunny.

1 comment:

  1. Lets run a half together!!! Seriously! LEts pick one!
