

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Much Better!

Compared to yesterday on a scale of 1-10, today was a 1000. I think Caroline was going through a little growth spurt and to make matters worse, she was having some ahem, plumming issues. She certainly cleared out her system today though! Without fail, on bath day. My kids always poop on the days they get tub baths. Maybe it's the warm water...and Connor rolled over! I put him on his tummy while I was tending to the poop machine and when I turned around, he was on his back! I politely asked him to do it again while I watched and he did. I've also been logging their sleep and I think the pattern is: mid/late morning nap, early afternoon nap and late afternoon cat nap. They can last about an hour, maybe a little more, after each meal before they fall asleep. In 'exciting' apartment news, we now have neighbors upstairs. They seem to be very nice and Matt and I spend much of our dinner conversations trying to figure out what their story could be. Anywho, one of their bathrooms leaked into our guest/baby station room. This happened TWICE! On Monday, the plummer needs to come in and begin to open our ceiling until he figures out what the problem is. What a pain in the ass. New contruction contractors are so funny - it was always someone elses problem. The fingers are always being pointed. I really don't care. I care that there is a problem and it needs to get fixed. The same contractor that built our house is also gutting next door. It's going to be a long, long, long 2 months. But our investment keeps $$ so we can put up with some noise and dirt if this street because desireable and valuable. So Bethenny needs to stop complaining about her birthday. That episode bothered me. How can anyone not appreciate everything Jason does? Having Ramona make a guest appearance was awesome. I can't wait for NYC to start. Remember how weird Alex and Simon were in the first few years but now I like them. See Bravo got NYC right - they know each other and are somehow connected. Miami and DC were just forced and uncomfortable. Let's move on to Pregnant in Heels. Awesome. Why didn't I think of having a focus group for our baby names? Really, Asher? And who names their kid Tucker these days. They should have went with Miles. I like Miles, we considered it (Miles and Madeline or Madison) and I'll keep that one filed away but with easy access in the event we ever need another name. Maybe for a hampster or something.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha... i enjoyed the last line very much. Funny. I like the name Tucker - wouldn't use it as I clearly prefer non-traditional names, but, it's cute!
