

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Thoughts to Kill Time - No Baby Talk

In no particular order, I'm going to talk about the following: Maggie, Guys Night Out, my biggest fear and TamRa. I'm only typing this so that I remember what I want to talk about. Sorry for my poor spelling. I did very, very bad is spelling in school and on the CAT tests.

My biggest fear is the garbage disposal. Seriously, I was just cleaning up the dishes and had to flip the switch to get the rest of the salad and chicken down the drain and every time I do it, I sweat a little bit, mostly forehead and pits. I don't know why I have such a fear that I'm going to stick my hand in there while it's on thinking "shoot, that darn mixed green leaf of a plant I don't know is just about to go down but it's not so I'll help it". My mom said that she too is afraid of the garbage disposal so maybe it's heriditary.

I've spent so much time in this blog talking about Connor and Caroline that it's about time I talked about Maggie. Our four legged first born deserves a little typing time. She had a really hard time with the babies at first but she is coming around. All we need to do is take her for a walk during 'commuting hours' (that is city speak for 6:00 - 7:30 when other people are walking dogs, going to dry cleaners, playing catch, trying to parallel park, etc). Now I know twins are cute but if there is something that Charlestown has one too many of it's twins and doodles. Neither are big news. But somehow when the 5 of us are taking our evening walk, Maggie seems to get the most attention. And good for her. She'll show you how much she appreciates it as she pees all over. The twins might be doing that too but it's hard to tell with such absorbant diapers. Maggie can't hide it. Our dear friend Alison just moved down the street (which I'm ecstatic about) and she is thinking about getting a doodle. I hope she does. Doodles really are the best and all Maggie wants is to still feel like a part of our family. (*Tangent alert*: Maggie got really weird about eating for a while in her stressful state and a recommended trick is to sprinkle a little parm cheese in her food and suddenly it turns into filet mignon)

The reason why I'm spending so much time with the blog tonight is because Matt went out for "guys night out" and I'm trying to stay awake to feed the babies their dream feed. Once the babies got to the point where they could go down to sleep and get a few solid hours in, we both started to allow ourselves some sort of personal time and independence. We both feel that is very important - to focus on each other and selfeshly, on ourselves. See, here is what is unfair: when I go out for girl nights, my window is from 7:30 to 11:00 when they need to eat again. When Matt goes out for guys night, his window is 7:30 until 7:30 the next morning. (If he goes out, he sleeps in the extra bed. snnnnoooooorrrreeee) So I was trying to explain to him over dinner that I really get like 5 girls nights to his 1 guy night. Right? My math is better than my spelling. And I might have one or two drinks and he has like, well, I won't go there. He works so hard at work and at home so I would never deny him some guy time but all I'm asking for is a level playing field!

Am I ruining my diet for having a second beer? Skinny Cow or Sam Summer...I'm back, had to get the bottle opener.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about my Bravo friends on the east coast but what about our friends on the west coast? I would like to say something to TamRa: Eddie is a smoke show. Really, I have a little thing for Latinos (even though I openly wish I was Canadian because Canadians are so awesome) and Eddie is no exception. Can you believe you were ever with such a wet blanket like Simon now that you have Eddie? N.I.C.E. He even wants you to have his baby! You should get in touch with Cindy because she knows how to get preggo after 45. Apparently there is a woman in India who was like 75 when she had her baby but good luck tracking her down - just call Cindy.

Oh My God! Will Farrell is on The Office right now. I must sign off. I can't miss as much as a single fart of Will Farrell's.

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