

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breaking Point

So far, this was a tough week. It's the first time that I had to put both kids down and leave the room to shed a tear, close my eyes and count to 10 to calm down and collect myself to muster the strength to carry on. We have been stuck inside since Sunday due to rain. Now that we have the night sleeping and feeding on a schedule, I've decided to tackle daytime naps. Over the last two weeks I've been trying to observe any patter and over the past week we have successfully began mid-morning naps. After that, it's all downhill. You see, with twins, they do have to nap at the same time - like going to bed at the same time, eating at the same time, etc. Even if they don't sleep right away, they need to go down for quiet time. Otherwise, one will sleep while the other wants to play, or one gets overtired and freaks out while the other baby wants to be held and both are screaming. It's just a hot mess and no one will ever get a break. I hope this won't last long and we figure something out because the afternoons are tough. Plus, I think they are getting to the point where they sleep best in their rockers, in their nursery with the lights off. I just have to figure out what works for them before I miss the window of opportunity and the day goes to shit. Great new show on Showtime - The Borgias. It just might be a good substitute for The Tutors. I missed Bethenny yesterday but I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about it once I watch it. Everyone is coming in this weekend for the babies baptism. I'm so excited to see everyone and for my sister's family to meet Connor and Caroline!

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