

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just When You Think You Figured It Out...

Did anyone see the twin segment on GMA this morning? I wonder if the same interesting facts hold true for fraternal twins...either way those talking twins are so cute. So I know that "as soon as you think you have a baby figured out they change"...but ugg, it's annoying. The babies are waking up again around 4:30 (vs 5:30/45) to eat. I might try giving them more formula during the dream feed. I don't want to force feed them (but I sort of do because neither are on the growth chart yet) but maybe they want more than 4 oz now. And of course I haven't run all week and I'm feeling so gross. I have a 5:00 am rule: Anything before 5:00 am is still considered the middle of the night to me so I'll go back to sleep. After 5:00 and I'll stay up and run or do things around the house or have about 7 cups of coffee... Speaking of gross, Caroline had another massive poop yesterday and it was all over everything. I just stood their holding her with my arms out having no idea where to even begin. I threw out her onesie, towel and clothes that I used to clean her up (before the 2nd bath of the day I had to give her). In the very exciting news department, I'm going out tonight with some girlfriends! My first night out. Although my window is brief and alcohol consumption is limited, it's still a reason to put on makeup and heels. I can't wait for a mojito and good guac! Mrs. Scotty Pippin with the poofy hair drives me nuts. Miami RH sucked. Really, could they think of anything better than having dinner parties and going to fashion shows? It was all so forced and casted poorly. What was the point of Cristy? Crashing Lea's party for the sake of the show didn't cut it. They need a Camille! Andy Cohen! Where are you with this one?!? I had to DVR Teen Mom and still haven't watched it yet. I'm sure I'll have a lot to blog about for that one.

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