

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Week of Firsts

Ah, I finally have the chance to sit down today. It was a go-go-go day today. The babies are either going to sleep great or be very cranky and cry all evening.

Yesterday, we went to our first Mommy and Baby class here in Charlestown and I was the only mom that showed up! The class in the slot time before my 'class' is full and apparently there are 3 other mothers that signed up for the same class I did but no one came. It was so weird and awkward! I stayed and talked to the instructor while the babies did about 4 minutes worth of tummy time. If no one comes next week, I'll be deciding if I want to join the other class or get my money back. Today we had to go to the mall for a quick errand. It was the first time that I packed up the kids, drove them in the car and took them to such a public place. The trip ended up to be a bust - however - I was able to go to Starbucks and I'm glad that I took them somewhere by myself. I feel much more confident to do it again. I decided that I really want to start to take them places one on one. Or even just spend time with them as individuals. I get worked up and stressed about trying to meet their immediate needs that sometimes I feel that I miss out on just enjoying them. As the babies evolve from premies to infant twins, they are much more lively, vocal and active. It's a completely different challenge that just 3 weeks ago. Connor is starting to smile (sporatically, not at me yet), both are starting to make their 'coo' noises. Bug is into looking around at everything. But when they want something, they let me know it and often it's at the same time. It's hard to listen to two screaming babies that both need me at the same exact moment.

Did anyone else notice how excited Bethenny got when she saw Nick the Foodie? I think that guy is hilarious. Just when I thought Jason might have surpassed Bethenny as my favorite person on the show, in comes Nick the Foodie. I also think the season of RHO OC is going to be juicy. I'm on Team Tamara. Gretchen is annoying. And Alexis is hot. She is, we can all admit it. (However, I don't have a girl crush on her like I have on Bethenny.) I also like Vicky, I always have but she really needs to stop complaining about everything and everyone. I miss Jeanna.

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