

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long Day...

Is it really only 12:30??

Stephanie was here last night which means that Matt and I get a good night sleep (I have to get up only once at night) but that we get up early to see her off. When she leaves at 6:30 we get up for the day. When we are on our own, I might go back to sleep after their first early morning meal so I get up around 7:00 or 7:30 on those days. I digress...but today I got in my second run with Maggie. Same loop, not very far but it was easier than it was on Saturday! Plus, it was a good way to start the day and I feel like I had some time for myself.

We are in the process of getting Life Insurance. It's sort of overwhelming. Oh and today we found out that based on inflation and rising education costs, it's going to be approximately $1.5M to send the babies to college. Who can afford that? Seriously, even very wealthy people can't afford that.

Today was bath day, both the babies hate it. I'm trying different techniques and singing different songs. They do like The Itsy Bitsy Spider... I think they hate being naked more than wet and there is really no way around that. Suggestions?

Does DVR tape two shows at the same time? Somehow Teen Mom didn't get recorded (gasp!) but RHO Miami did...I think I might be bored of this cast. It's like DC, fake drama whipped up by Andy Cohen. Camille needs to move to Miami and get in on this action! Camille needs to be omnipresent on all reality TV. Think of her on Survivor, Jersey Shore, Cake Boss, oh- The Bachelorette! Just dwell on that for a while.

As soon as I have more than 15 minutes, I'm going to work on the appearance of this blog. More tips please, Liz!


  1. haha I'm loving the blog- definitely add more pictures. We want to see the babies...
    here's a girl I went to HS with who has a baby blog:

  2. I am enjoying the blog too!! And I agree.. more pictures. As Lizzy said, we want to see the babies!! I love the new picture you put up. Too cute. Bath time... they will start to like it soon! It's a phase :) I tried bathing WITH Bodie... but then he pooped while we were in the tub. Yikes. Ha!
