

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Family Time

Connor and Caroline are 'officially' Catholics. This past weekend was their first big event - their baptism. Everything went perfectly. I had a little anxiety about the weekend with so many friends and family coming into town for the event - all of which wanted to spend time with the babies and I wasn't sure how they would react to so many new people holding and passing them. And our condo isn't large so just a few people makes the place seem very small. However, everything turned out to be great. Connor and Bug were champs and loved meeting their extended family (thank god, I didn't want to deal with meltdowns and freakouts, especially when people came from so far away) the weather was perfect and, selfishly, I got to spend a lot of quality time with my dear friend and Caroline's godmother, Kate. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to see Kate again and our girl time is always valuable to me. The twins also got to meet their cousins Freddie and Lydia and it was so fun to have the whole Lanzafame family together for a few days. Everyone seemed to go in different directions over the course of the weekend but the few hours when we were all together was so much fun. I know that it also meant the world to my mom and dad. This was the first time we were all together and it will be rare in the future so they really treasured it.

So St. Stephanie is down to just one day a week. The babies are sleeping great now so there is really no need like their was just a few weeks ago. I'm sure just because I put that in writing that they'll be back to waking up during the night. We went to the doctor yesterday for the monthly weigh-in and Connor is up to 9 lbs 13.5 oz and Caroline at 7 lbs 12.5 oz. He is now is No 1 diapers and she weighs the same as average sized newborn! Both are big milestones(hehehehehe). They can even wear normal clothes. Tomorrow is supposed to be a wash out so I'm going to start to pack up their shrunken premie clothes. It's almost sad, they are getting so big. Connor is at a really fun size, he is still small and cuddly but also rolly-polly. Like a little piglet. Bug is funny because she is so small but alert and strong so hear appearance throws people off. But I will say, now that she is filling out she is getting very pretty.

RHONY if going to be awesome this season! I love Ramona - according to one of Kate's friends who saw her at an event, she is stunning in person. Great skin. True ReNEWal must work. How about the fact she told the interviewer that she needs the lotion because she has bad skin? Unbelievable! I also love that Cindy has twins. But yikes, she's like pushing 50 and she has 10 month old twins? My back hurts, I can't imagine what hers feels like. Although if I had a full time staff to take care of them, I probably wouldn't be so sore and stiff from lugging around their carriers. I can't figure out if Jill has just lost weigh, gotten a nose/lip job or just has good botox but she morphs every season. And man is she nasty. I would not be friends with her! I don't know if I would be friends with anyone but Ramona now that Bethenny is gone. Maybe Alex. But I do think Alex needs to get over it and who cares if Jill is on the honorary committee for the gay marriage walk.

Are you Team Cosby or Team Trump?

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