

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Witching Hour

I'm shocked to report that both my little 'angels' are sleeping after their last feeding. Normally 5:00 starts the witching hour which can last until 8:00 or 9:00. I think they might be tired because we had a very eventful day.

I think last night threw everyone off. I usually go to sleep around 9:00/10:00 pm and Matt stays awake a little longer for the last feeding and I wake get up with them around 3;00 or so when they want to eat again. Because my husband is fabulous, he offered to try to the mid-night feeding if I stayed up. I think being out of the routine threw both of us for a loop. He said he had to get that new super-sized Trenta coffee at Starbucks today.

I think we are also having dryer issues. Well, not the dryer as the Sears Blue Crew told us, but the ducts. Somehow, somewhere, the ducts are clogged and our drying isn't doing a good job drying all the laundry that needs to get done. Of course while my brother was here and Matt was at work, I asked him to go and look at the outside ducts with me and he looked at my like I had 5 heads. For the record, Lanzafames are NOT good handymen. Growing up, if there was a leaky faucet, we called the plumber. I think using a plunger was about as saavy as we got. So when John saw a ladder and a broom and even though I was giving him instructions as to what to do, he just stood there like a deer in headlights. I think we need a real professional to come handle this. I'm not even sure where to begin. Being a homeowner is really hard and I hate to sort of point the finger at the contractor but this is the second issue that has come up in a few weeks. (The second day Connor was home our pipes froze and we had NO water for over 24 hours. Yes, we couldn't even use the toilet. The issue was that a pipe under the front outside stairs was not insulated enough and there was not a heater keeping the pipes warm.)

On a much happier note, we enjoyed a lovely long walk today with our friend Weston. Steph and I couldn't have been happier to finally get out of the house and go for a walk with the babes. Seriously, if anyone told us that going for a walk would feel like winning the lottery back in our crazy college years, we wouldn't have believed them. We spent half the time talking about how awesome it was just to walk. And MAN am I out of shape. I have a lot of work to do.

Oh! I just remembered I DVRed Teen Mom! I'm going to watch it before Matt gets home....

And many thanks to my wonderful mother who swooped in for a uber-brief overnight stay but helped us out tremendously.

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