

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eat Up, Kiddies!

When we found out we were having twins, I had some time to mentally prepare myself for what the first few months might be like. I made a list of personal daily requirements vs optional tasks. Requirements are things like brushing my teeth, taking a shower (I know many people may see this as optional but for me, it's a requirement even if it's only 3 minutes) and optional are things like putting on real clothes like jeans (vs sweats) and going through mail (although there is only so long I can put that one off...). Based on my day yesterday, wearing a shirt might go from required to optional. Connor and Caroline wanted to eat constantly. And when Caroline aka "Bug" (*tangent alert* - Matt and I started calling Caroline 'Bug' not on purpose but because we have this green striped swaddle that makes her look just like a Gloworm, I'll be sure to post a pic. Anywho, somehow Bug started to stick.) wasn't eating she needed to be held. I hope this is a short lived growth spurt! And for those of you who have twins or know someone who does, there is a serious set up that is required to feed two babies at once. I have my remote, water, gatorade, burp clothes and phone all strategically set up around me in the event I don't get off the couch for a while - which was the case yesterday. I can't even imagine what my living room must have looked like to an outsider. If the mailman saw me, I'm sure it would have totally jazzed up his otherwise boring Tuesday (because as we all know, Tuesday is the worst day of the week - yuck!).

What jazzed up my otherwise boring Tuesday was the Real Housewives of OC reruns all day on Bravo. I totally forgot about One Season Only Tammy! And seriously Slade and Jo, you should have broken up for good when Jo got drunk off of the fish bowls the season before. I cann't wait for the RHO of Miami and OC to start next week. And don't get me started on Bethenny. YAY! But Bethenny, you should really send out your e-newsletter more frequently, I feel like they only come every 4 months and we need more content than your Skinny Girl Marg recipe. But I still love you...

I was so happy to see Matt when he got home. And I was even happier that last night was a St. Stephanie night. Stephanie is the night nanny that comes 2-3 nights a week to rescue us from an otherwise rapid downward spiral into insanity. So I actually feel pretty good today and I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my mom and brother. They are both coming into town for a brief 24 hours while my brother has a little break from his service duties. Connor and Bug can't wait to meet their uncle. The babies just got a bath, both did really well but Bug peed on me. Ususally its Connor but I guess she was due.

Did anyone watch the Westminster Dog Show yesterday? We did, Maggie really wanted to watch it. Congrats Hickory!

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