

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Loving Adult Company...and Teenage Pregnancy

Sandy finally felt better so she came and spent all day yesterday and this morning with me before she headed down to NYC. It was so nice to have her around and it was so clear that she just loved spending time with the babies. Even when she didn't feel good and was staying at Andrew's, she still made us some food to eat and sent it over. More than the help, I just really enjoyed some adult company - in particular her company. Even if we were just watching TV or going for a walk, it was nice to have someone around that talks back to you!

Last night was a little tough so this morning I had a bit of the blues. Days and nights are challenging right now and at some point it catches up with you. But the day was salvaged. After a nice, long hot shower that Sandy's presence allowed me to have, Steph and I went for a walk and rather than doing our two loop usual - we went to have a mid-day beer! Max and Dillons in Charlestown is very family friendly; unlike the rest of the watering holes that date back to 1680, M&D is bigger, newer and if you go at 3:00 pm during a weekday there are few people there. So the five of us made a pit stop, took over the bar and she and I felt almost normal for a brief hour. That was also the first time I brought the twins 'somewhere' that wasn't a hospital, doctor's office or someone's home. Another first that I can cross off the list.

I've gotten very good about DVRing shows at night to watch during the day. I would like to give a congratulatory shout out to Leah and Corey for getting engaged! Clever Corey, take her 'fishing' and put the ring on the line. Like she didn't see you do it...She is my favorite because I think she is a good mom and of course because she has twins. I hope everything is okay with Ally. I couldn't imagine what I would do if Connor or Caroline faced some of those unknown issue. And it's not like heathcare in West Virginia is stellar. Is that why they had to wait months for an MRI? Even though Jenelle and Kailyn (who I actually fell bad for, what's the deal with her mom?) are just trainwrecks, no one is worse than Chelsea. Does she seriously just sit around all day on her ass? So much needs further explaination! And her dad is totally weird - do something besides complain about Adam and stop paying for her to sit around all day. I would also 'rewind' and not cast her if I was Liz Gatley.

I'm also happy that Ghost Hunters is back for another season. I haven't watched the past few seasons but I'm going to get back into it. I better see some ghosts this season. For every 19 episodes, there is one apparition. It's a big investment for little reward.

Yay that the weekend is almost here and the babies are 6 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome you have a friend who had a baby at the same time : )
    Congrats on your bar date!!
