

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's Cold Season

Our dear family friend planned to come and stay with us for a few days to help us out with the babies during school vacation. But when she arrived today - she has a cold! Luckily her son lives a few door down so she is going to stay with him tonight and possibly until she gets better. (If her cold started Tuesday, she should be okay after the weekend. That might actually work out well because she can spend time with Andrew and then come over here on Monday.) I can't believe it; we are so bummed. And so is she of course. Not just for the help but because we were looking forward to just having her around. I've always been one of those people who goes to great lenghts to avoid sick people. I hate being sick. And if the babies catch a cold that would be the pits. Although I hate being sick, I can handle it. Not sure if they would be as accomodating.

I don't have too much to report today, it was sort of uneventful. I don't even have fun TV to give my two cents on. My big outting was the grocery store. Whoo-hoo...

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