

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Food Network

Dear Food Network - You must change your programing schedule. I can't believe you have Ina Garten following Paula Dean. Uppers and downers don't mix! Cushion the withdrawl by adding Down Home with the Neely's or Sandra Lee between the two to soften the fall.

We all got a great night sleep thanks to St. Stephanie last night. She told us that we have good babies but I hope she didn't jinx us! Our pediatrician gave us tips to help them sleep for at least a 4 hour stretch at night so we are just following her directions. We went to the doctor today and the babes are looking great. Connor made it to 6 lbs 3 oz and Caroline is 4 lbs 15 and 3/4 oz. Come on! Just give the girl 5 lbs, she has been trying so hard. Obviously they are both sleeping since Ina is on the tv...

We went for another walk with Weston today. It's going to get cold again so it'll be a few days before we can go for another walk. Steph and I decided that the next warm day we'll either stop to get frozen yogurt at Emack and Bolio's or we'll get a beer at T.O Dubb's. My vote is for the latter! It's never too early to take your children to Tavern.

Oh my god Ina! You are driving me crazy! I'm going back to Cash Cab.

We should be getting our dryer situation fixed in the next few days. Thank God.

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