

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Our big outting today was the Charlestown Mother's Association new mom's breakfast. Steph and Weston went too but it was nice to meet other moms in Charlestown. There must have been about 15 mothers there, most babies were born between Christmas and now. I was the only twin mom and I got a lot of questions like "how do you manage" and "how do you do it"? The truth is - I have to. I have no choice and I don't know any different and this is my reality.

Matt and I are finding that one of the things that helps us so far is staying on schedule. I'm not sure if anyone watched Oprah yesterday but Celine Dion was there with her twins, everyone in the audience was a twin but most impressive was the McGee Sextuplets. If they can do it with 6, we can do it with 2. Those babies were so cute and when the mother announced that she held a baby while changing another one's diaper when they were at the airport I nearly dropped Bug. THAT is amazing but again - you do what you have to. She gave me the motivation to figure out how to put both babies in my sling and wha-la! As I type this both babies are chilling together in the sling against my chest. (I sort of hate that I start many of my sentences with "On the Today Show today" or "I was watching Oprah"...but it is what it is right now. Besides, I'm now obsessed with Ellen and not shy to admit it.)

St. Stephanie is coming tonight and I'm so excited about it. The past few nights Connor has been waking up every 1.5-2 hours and it's made for some long nights. Bug has been sleeping pretty well but the rule is that if one wakes up, wake the other for a feed and change .

I really have to work on this blog. My friend Liz shared her awesome blog with me and it's amazing. She needs to give me tips! She has certainly given me motivation - I can't wait to run again. I'm shooting for Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Erin- such cute stories!!! It took me a long time to get my blog up and running- my early posts were all over the place so don't worry about that. I love hearing how you are doing : ) And I definitely want to meet the little ones soon.

    Oh and I'm jealous of your Oprah/Ellen watching. Wish I could join you!
