

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Where O Where Have I Been?

The answer to that question is simple. I've been at my house. I haven't gone anywhere h,aven't dropped off the face of the earth. Actually, updating this has been on my 'to-do' list for about two weeks but it's always on the bottom and I never get to it. I've found that I don't really have time to do anything anymore. During the windows when both babies are asleep, I try and get stuff done. When they are awake, they now demand constant attention. Well, that isn't entirely true. Bug doesn't, she occupies herself but Connor wants to see, touch and do anything/everything.

In twin news, we went to the doctor last week and neither Connor nor Caroline grew very much over the past month - only half a pound and they were gaining at a rate of a pound and a half a month. So we have to go see a GI doctor about their reflux and I think I'm going to start weaning. I was sad about it for a minute and now I'm over it. I made it almost 6 months and truthfully, it's getting to be nonsense at this point. Plus, I'm so sick of all the vomit. And how timely, Connor just threw up all over the place.

In more fun news, they are both really chatty and active now. It's amazing and so wonderful and soooo exhausting. How am I going to handle them as toddlers? I have never been so tired in my life. And I'm getting a stretch of 7-8 hours straight! Normal people consider that a good night sleep.

We have two fun vacations coming up - CNY and Falmouth. July is going to fly by. I can't wait to get to the beach.

Did you all catch the RHOC finale? I think Peggy shouldn't return, she added no value. I feel like I had so many things to discuss because of all the rediculous things that were said but Alexis and Gretchen, but now I can't remember any of them. I should have taken notes.

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