

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Peace and Quiet

Yesterday when I was on a walk with the twins I thought about all these things worth writing about on my blog and now I don't remember a thing. My brain has been even more fried than usual lately.

A few months ago I took a 'twins' class at Isis. Although the class was so-so, I did love getting to talk to other twin moms. Yesterday, one of the moms invited all the girls and babies over for a playdate. So six girls, twelve babies. It was awesome! It was great to talk to the girls again about issues, challenges, improvements and also see how much these babies have grown. (Not the Curtwins, we had to go on Prilosec and although they are the oldest, the are the smallest.) And all the babies are great together, they watch each other and play. It was so fun and I hope we can all get together again.

Papa also come over on Tuesday and again on Wednesday for about an hour each day between business obligations. Caroline cried and then stared him down the entire time he was here. I don't know what her deal was but she clearly didn't feel comfortable having him in her house!

I think the twins are ready for more serious toys. After our playdate and the level of mobility that Caroline has acheived (not so much for Connor, he is still sort of a bump on a log but really close to sitting on his own) I realized that I needed to step it up. I hope they like the 'discovery center' I went and bought them this morning. I need to go set it up....

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