

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What to do?

I need suggestions on what to do with 7 month olds when it rains. Please!

I don't even have anything to write about. I'm too busy trying to keep these two entertained. I have a bottle break right now. Luckily, we are having a Hurricane Party tomorrow with the neighbors and that should keep all the babies on the block happy. I'm making two types of chili. Yum.

Oh - the babies slept until 7:30 today (well, Connor woke up at 5 to eat, Caroline at 6 but both went back to bed). Thank god because I would have likely had a hang over, thanks to the Stella 75 I had last night on date night. Whatever, it was delish.

Our new playroom looks awesome! And it was perfect timing because poor Caroline kept scooting into our fireplace so she needed somewhere to be.

And congrats to Connie Palleria on her new twin boys!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I totally let this slip for a while. I was on 'another vacation' in CNY. I use quotes because I know how lucky I have to have the flexibility to go home to visit my family but it's not really a vacation. It was wonderful and I was, as always, so sad to leave.

But I am ready to sink my teeth into fall. We actually have a pumpkin on our stoop! (Compliments of Papa Lanz.) Matt heard our young neighbors complaining in their drunken ranble last night. But my rebuttle is "who goes out on a Tuesday anyway?" Maybe they met some friends at a bar to watch America's Got Talent?...So I'm not going to take them too seriously but I'll hold off on the mums. I can't wait for football, chili, sweaters, apple cider and everything else fall has to offer.

Speaking of sweaters, I really might get to wear some this fall after all! The twins are on prilosec 2x a day and it's really helping with their reflux. I only have to change them about 3-4 times a day whereas before it was more like 7-8 and it probably should have been even more often. Caroline is busy sitting and Connor finally rolled over. I don't think he likes to be on his belly as much as she does so he usually stays on his back and just kicks his feet.

And a happy congrats to Sara McGowan who just welcomed her new daughter, Caroline. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quality TV Programming

There is a rare silence in my house right now. Both babies are asleep, at the same time. The laundry is folded or in the dryer. Dinner is in the fridge (that's the Grill Masters job anyway, love you babe!) The house is clean, thank you Margarita. I'm not sure what to do!

I remembered what I was going to write about. Quality TV for kids. So as you all know, I subjected my children to the glory that is known as Bravo when they were teeny tiny. But now that they can watch the TV and it keeps them focused while drinking their bottles, I've finally made the switch to PBS. It started off with Sesame Street but it then turned into Martha Speaks, Dinosaur Train, Super Why and Between the Lions. Now, the TV isn't on all day but a good part of it just for background noise and that way if they do look at it, it's about spelling and numbers rather than the latest catfight between Ramona and LuAnn. I actually enjoy watching it with them too; shows like that remind me how innocent and simple a child really is.

That's not to say I don't still love Bravo and HGTV. I just save it for when they go to bed. On a sad note, my DVR did not tape the RHONY reunion. Katie and Erika, I'm looking for you to fill me in.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Peace and Quiet

Yesterday when I was on a walk with the twins I thought about all these things worth writing about on my blog and now I don't remember a thing. My brain has been even more fried than usual lately.

A few months ago I took a 'twins' class at Isis. Although the class was so-so, I did love getting to talk to other twin moms. Yesterday, one of the moms invited all the girls and babies over for a playdate. So six girls, twelve babies. It was awesome! It was great to talk to the girls again about issues, challenges, improvements and also see how much these babies have grown. (Not the Curtwins, we had to go on Prilosec and although they are the oldest, the are the smallest.) And all the babies are great together, they watch each other and play. It was so fun and I hope we can all get together again.

Papa also come over on Tuesday and again on Wednesday for about an hour each day between business obligations. Caroline cried and then stared him down the entire time he was here. I don't know what her deal was but she clearly didn't feel comfortable having him in her house!

I think the twins are ready for more serious toys. After our playdate and the level of mobility that Caroline has acheived (not so much for Connor, he is still sort of a bump on a log but really close to sitting on his own) I realized that I needed to step it up. I hope they like the 'discovery center' I went and bought them this morning. I need to go set it up....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back From Vacation

Back to work today. (And yes, I do consider my 'job' of taking care of the twins work. Much harder than any job I've had.) Matt, Connor, Caroline, Maggie and I got home from a lovely week spent in Falmouth. Aside from the two days it was cloudy - my parents were there for one of them, our friends the Purtell's for the other - it was a great week. Not too hot, not too humid.

That being said, I was certainly a wake up call. I think more for Matt than for me. You see, I have very low expectation about doing anything/everything with the twins. If we can get in some decent naps, avoid any meltdowns and limit the vomit, I consider the day a total success. I think Matt had slightly more grandious ideas that we would be able to sit at the beach all day with them and have nice relaxing mornings to sleep in a little bit and enjoy our coffee. God bless him for that. The truth is, it was a mix bag in that department. They did take some good naps which allowed us some time to alternate jogs and sit in the front yard and read. We did take them to the beach and both days we were able to stay for over an hour and a half before they got too fussy. The slept well at night so we could relax with a glass of wine and a plate full of shrimp the size of my head. But we all came down with a cold so there were a few days when Connor cried for hours straight and I had to just walk around the block over and over and over with a crying child. He didn't want to play he just wanted to be held and even then he cried. Caroline's spit up seemed to have been particularly bad, naturally. They both hated taking baths when they normally love it. Was it the cold? Was it a strange place? Was it bug bites? Are my kids the only people in the world who do not like Cape Cod? We'll never know but I think we are all glad to be home. And we are all ready for another vacation.

So I did read a book while I was on vacation (first book in months!) and I highly recommend it. It's called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It's one of the best books I have read in a long, long time. It's funny, interesting and inspirational. Even if you are not a runner, you will enjoy this read.