

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Was That Twin Mom

Connor and I went to mass on Sunday while Matt and Caroline headed over to Market Basket. I had to stand in the back for the last few minutes as the little guy started to get fussy. And lo and behold there were newborn b/g twins sitting back there. I marched right up and said "Congrats! He's a twin" (pointing to Connor) and asked her the usual questions (b/g? names? how old? how far did you make it?). She was friendly but I'm sure thought, why is the person talking to me? Haha, just wait lady. That was nothing. And in a few months, you'll be asking others.

Also, we went for the babies 6 mo appointment yesterday and I learned that 'green' foods are the last to be introduced because they contain cholorphyll which can upset a babies stomach and make them vomit.(I almost typed cholorform which would REALLY upset their stomach and probably kill them. RIP Caylee. Maybe that's not funny...) Hence the pea puke! I should have just waited until we went to the doctor to get the 411 before we started solids but oh well. Today we did bananas and Connor loved them.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Wasn't Done

I wasn't quite finished yet but I had to end my post so...I could put them down for naps! Anyway, I'm just really strugging with this right now and I'm running out of ideas to try and help Caroline go to sleep/stay a sleep. Yesterday I was talking to our neighbor. He has a young son Jake and they were out walking. He asked how the twins were sleeping. It's the most popular question I'm asked besides "How do you do it?!". I was explaining the challenge of two napping needs and how he asked me on a really bad day. He chuckled and said that his "buddy" has a child as old as Jake (14 mo) and he and his wife are expecting twins. They have their son on such a strict schedule and he doesn't know how his buddy will handle twins - and 3 kids under 2. He ended the story with his buddy being 60. Oh my god. That would be like, my dad, having 3 kids under 2. I can't imagine that! But listen fellas (and granted I'm making an assuption here), if your second or third wife is half your age, she'll want kids, you'll probably have to do fertility and you'll be stuck going to a high school graduation for your multiples on your 80th birthday.


First of all, I'm SOOOO sad that Friday Night Lights ended last night. These days, I feel like there is not a lot of really good dramatic television. The Tutors left me, then Lost (don't get me started, I still have dreams that include the characters and I even proposed to Matt that we name the twins Kate and Sawyer) and now Friday Night Lights. If you never got into the show, get the past seasons on DVD when they are available on Netflix or Blockbuster. You may be mad at Netflix though....

Naps with twins is a real challenge. In the begining, sticking to a schedule was pretty easy - and the only way to survive. But as they get older, their needs are changing. I have to remind myself that they are two different people. Connor is a pretty good napper and fairly predictable. Caroline is not. We have had a very challenging three days because she hasn't wanted to nap. I'm not sure if it's because I missed her cues and she is overtired or what. I KNOW she needs more sleep but I'm at a loss of what to do. I only left the house once today so I can watch her and see if I notice any patterns. Sounds rediculous but after a few days if I notice that she is rubbing her eyes around 11:30, then that might be her nap time. And then we can avoid meltdowns. And then I'll be happy. And my husband will like me again because I won't be so cranky. Everyone wins!

I ran 5.5 miles today. It was soooo hard and I have no idea how I used to do it every morning before work. But I'm going to try to continue to do the run on the weekends when I have a little more time. It's the best running loop and I've missed it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peas = YIKES

So peas were a bad idea. Connor did like them but he later threw up and our entire house smelled like pea vomit. We lit every candle we had and threw every article of fabric that may have been exposed to the pea vomit in the wash.

It was a scorcher yesterday so to get out of the house, we drove out to Natick to hit up the Container Store (snooze, I know) and B&N. Since we have TWO little half birthday's coming up tomorrow, I bought them some new books. (*Tanget alert* one of the books we bought was "The Giant Jam Sandwich" and it's adorable. It's more appropriate for a 3-4 year old but I liked it so we bought it.) Between the door of B&N and my car, three people stopped and wanted to look at the twins. The first, an older gentleman told me that they celebrate half birthdays in their house and that both Shaws and Stop and Shop have half-cakes for half birthdays.(I actually dreamed last night that I went to go buy one that was decorated in easter decor even though it was for their half birthday and I, naturally, was at Wegmans and there were 200 check out lines.) The second person who stopped me was one of those annoying "Boy do you have your work cut out for you" people. The third was a mother of twins and she wanted to hear all about my pregnancy and delivery and she told me all about hers. That's the thing with twin parents. They like to share stories and they keep very little back. Poor woman went into labor at twenty four weeks and had to stay on bedrest in the hospital for eleven weeks until she delivered at thirty three. Hers were 3.1 and 4.1 so she "totally got the premie in the winter thing" as hers were born on Jan 7. Her twins are five and "Yes, it gets soooo much easier". Now all of you know her story too!

We did our first GroovyBabyMusic class today and we are one of four sets of twins in the class. I actually know the other three sets but didn't know they were in the class. They are all toddlers but really enjoyed looking at Bug and Connor. Connor really liked the music and dancing as he now wiggles his hips and is almost sitting. Caroline just watched everyone and sucked on her maracas.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I forgot to mention that we tried solids! (We have been putting rice cereal in their bottle but mostly for their reflux and that's borning and not news worthy to me.) Pears! Connor loves it and he is pretty good with the spoon. Bug isn't quite there yet and looks very confused when the pear goes into her mouth but yet remains curious and intently stares at the spoon. It's very funny to watch them. And very messy. The twins are so messy - messy eaters and bad refluxers but I have to remind myself that they are good sleepers. I think I prefer to have the sleep.

We might try peas today.

Here I Am!

First, I would just like to proudly say that I slept for 9 - yes NINE -hours last night. And I feel asleep reading my book. FINALLY!!!! The babes are sleeping about 11 hours straight. No more dream feeds, no more breaking out of swaddles. Now, I am not going to get too excited about this because "just when you think you have things nailed down, they change..." blah blah blah...and I think teeth are coming. (Buckle up.) But I am still relishing in my night sleep last night.

Have I mentioned yet that I'm really into country music? I always have been but this summer there are some awesome songs. Country music is so summer-Americana-simplicity to me. Like Friday Night Lights. The reason I type this is because I'm listening to You and Tequila and I'm going to watch the Friday Night Lights on my DVR while I make pasta salad and fold laundry. I get a lot done during nap times :) And I'm not sure why I'm rambling about this right now.

We all had a great time visiting everyone in CNY. I was home for 10 days but it went so fast and like every trip home, I plan to relax but somehow the days are filled to the brim with people to visit, errands to run, etc. We got some family pictures taken with our wedding photographer and they turned out amazing. I HIGHLY recommend Laure Lillie for anyone who wants wedding/baby/family/senior pictures. She is a pleasure to work with and does a great job.

I had a really nice time with my mom. Everytime I spend time with her and the babies, I learn so much. She truly is a baby whisperer. But most importantly, she subtly reminds me that nothing is more important than the babies and every minute spent with them is so precious. I sometimes get very flustered and focused on getting things done (feedings, laundry, naps, cleaning) and although all that needs to happen, just relax - get down on the mat, play with them, find out what makes them laugh, encourage them to roll and sit and most importantly, just be patient with them. They are babies after all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I'm on vacation. Let me enjoy it. I'll be back next week.