

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Let's all take a moment and remember our departed loved ones, especially those who we have lost serving our country. My brother was just here visiting for a night and we watched 60 Minutes which included an interview with Sal Guinta. He is quite humbling and it's important to remember the brave soldiers we have lost.

Every year Matt and I take a drive to the north shore and get a lobster roll. It's sort of our annual summer kick off tradition. I was very excited to make it a family event this year and no sooner than we sat down at the picnic bench about ready to take a bite, both babies started crying. I can't even tell you if The Lobster Pool was any good because we had to eat so fast and get out of there so everyone else could enjoy their meals! Oh well. I did include a priceless picture.

I enjoyed a nice run this morning. It's very hot and humid but I sort of liked it - summer is finally here!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Let's Catch Up

I need to be better about keeping you all updated. Once a week isn't enough and too much happens and I forget to talk about it - in my life and the life of all my reality TV friends.

*Tangent Alert*. I love my ipad and I love my iphone. But I also love a good old-fashioned keyboard that belongs to a PC. I like the efficiency and the sound. Ah...

I had the twins alone for three days and nights last weekend. It was so hard. I know I have them alone during the day but the nights are the hardest - the witching hour, the bedtime routine, the waking up. Before I move on, I would like to stop for a minute and tell every single parent out there that I admire what you do and how you do it because parenting is a two person job. God Bless you all.

Anyway - the twins were great sleepers and a few weeks ago it all went down the shitter. Last Friday was my breaking point. Caroline woke up at 1:00, then Connor at 3:00 then Caroline again at 4:25 and Connor at 5:00. It was nonsense and I had to put a kibosh on it. So we stared Feberizing on Saturday and without boring you all, we had our first 10:00 - 5:30 straight since April last night. Letting them cry it out wasn't as bad as I though. I knew they were safe and they didn't need anything, it was pure fussiness and they needed to learn how to put themselves back to sleep. Part of me just wanted to say "SHUT UP!". During Connor's 45 minute stint I just got out of bed just to shut my door :)

I think summer is finally here and I'm so excited about it. Matt and I have a tradition (we have several) to go and get lobster rolls up on the north shore. I can't wait to take the kids!

I owe you all some new pictures - I'll post some after the weekend.

Let's talk about Rosie Pope. I love her, she is so cute and charming. But I can't believe the people on the show. I think they are purely there for the show because no one can be so stupid and foolish. Upper East or not.

Oh, and Oprah - I miss you. I saved your last episode and I'm going to keep it on my DVR so that I can watch you when I need a fix. You couldn't have picked a better replacement with Ellen! I wonder if I write Ellen a love letter she'll have be on the show as a guest...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Overnight = Success!

I'm happy to report that we survived our first babysitter AND our first overnight away from the twins! Last Wednesday, we had to attend a dinner and we found a babysitter for 3 hours. Actually, there were two ($$, ouch) but one we knew and it was her friend who will likely babysit for us again so she acted as a buffer for us and her friend to ease her into getting to know how the twins work. I was more nervous about how the babies were going to behave that I was about leaving them. But they did great and now that experience is under our belt.

As is our first overnight! We went to a wedding in Newport on Saturday so Grandma Jan and Papa Sam came to watch them. Like the babysitter, I was nervous about how they would be for the grandparents. Plus we all came down with a cold last week so they were sick to boot. Connor had a tough night waking up frequently and Jan was very nice about it but I'm sure she left exhausted. (I didn't tell her he slept for 7 hours the following night...) Matt and I couldn't get out of the house fast enough and I felt very guilty that I had such a good time away from them. But I did miss them and by Sunday morning we were up early and on our way home. It's important for us to get away for some mommy/daddy time and have a good time with other adults. We have no plans in the forseeable future to leave them again but maybe we'll plan a little something - assuming someone like Jan will watch them again.

We had our 4 month check up today. I'm wondering what the babies will be like when they wake up. I learned my lesson last time regarding how to handle the vaccines. Today we came right home, ate a little something, took some baby tylenol and went right to bed. No tears. I'm just going to let them sleep until they want to wake up. Anything to avoid the screaming and thrashing - poor honeys. They are still not on the growth chart for weight yet but their pedi thinks they should be in the next month or two. They are for height (3%)and head circumference (13% and 24%)! And Caroline is almost as tall as her brother now. He is just chunkier.

I need to catch up on my reality TV so I'll get back to you all on that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy (Belated) Mothers Day!

Shame on me, I should have logged on to say Happy Mothers Day to all even if that's all I had to write about. I hope that you all - newbies and vets - had a fantastic day. In case you were wondering, I had a great day. I spent the morning by myself and the afternoon with my family.

The kids are adjusting nicely to their cribs. Finally. It's been a week and many people have asked me "do you think they were ready"? The bottom line is, I don't know. I'll never know and they may have never been ready, be it now or 6 months from now. I don't want to rush they for any milestone that I don't think they are ready for but sometimes you just need to try.

Caroline has her first runny nose. I'm not sure if it's a cold, allergies or just some sniffles. It's not so bad that she can't nurse or sleep but poor little thing is noisy and I've had to use the bulb syringe for the first time since they were in the hospital. I hope it gets better before it gets worse. I've been taking Airborne for her.

Congrats to Bethenny for the Skinnygirl sale to Beam. I tried Skinnygirl at a Derby party over the weekend and I'm on the fence. But I think it's because I don't love margaritas. So that fact that I liked it enough would lead me to highly recommend it for those of you that love margaritas. I wonder if this is the end of the show. Now what? How about they make a reality show about the Hoppys in Hazelton! I would watch it!

Today is one of those days where I just can't warm up. It's not going to stop us from going out to do something. This is also one of those days where I can't believe it's only 12:15 pm.

Oh, for those of you with babies in the Boston area, the movie theater at Legacy Place shows a movie at 12:00 every Thursday when moms can bring their babies. "Something Borrowed" is this weeks movie. I can't go this week but I think I'm going to check it out soon. What a good idea.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Words of Wisdom

I realize I haven't blogged in a while but for good reason - we went home to NY with the babes last week. The trip was a success! They did great in the car, Matt and I learned a little bit as to how we need to time the trip next time and they slept surprisingly well in a new place. Of course the best part about the trip was to see our family. My mother even babysat so we could have a Friday night date. Unfortunately, central new york is not known for it's exceptional cuisine - somehow even the hamburgers are disappointing - but we'll take what we can get. Maybe next time we'll opt for a movie.

The babes also got to spend lots of time with their cousins. That's really important to both my sister and me. At this point the visits really consist of one of the babies crying, the other dozing off, Freddie trying to get Connor to play with him and Lydia crawling and touching everything she can. It's choas really. But it's wonderful to watch our family grow. We were very close with our cousins growing up and we want our children to have the same relationship with each other.

When we got home, we decided it was time to move the babies from their rocker basenette to their crib. Connor didn't have a problem at all. It's been a very, very long two days with Caroline. She really didn't like it at all so we tried a number of different things to see how she might be most comfortable. We even called St. Stephanie to see if she would be able to help us for a night. Poor Caroline even lost her voice from crying so hard (it's almost cute and raspy but that's not the point). However, she pulled through last night. I'm not sure if the fatigue got to her or what but she went right to sleep and slept until 6:00 am. And she went down with little fighting for her morning nap too. She likes a slight incline - the problem with that is that she rolled down the mattress a little bit. How do you stop that? My friend Steph has the same set up for her son and she told me he rolls every night!

Steph went back to work yesterday and I had a really hard time with it. Maybe not as hard as it was for her to leave Weston but it was still very lonely on our walk yesterday.

I can't believe that Bethenny's over in a week. Of course the previews show her crying about how she has everything she ever wanted. If I don't give up on the show next season, I hope at least Nick the Foodie has a larger role.

Friends, I would like to leave you with the best reality TV quote I have heard in a long time by the ever-so-wise Kelly Bensimon "I just want to enjoy this awesome life that we have. That's all." Oh Kelly - so profound!