

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just Enjoy It

Last week, I asked Matt "how was your day" and he responded "Good. Busy". We started talking about an NPR segment about how American's do think a good day consists of being "busy and productive". Does anyone try to slow down and just enjoy something simple like their lunch or a walk around the block on a nice day? Since we had this conversation, I've been trying to enjoy the simple things that happen in the day.

Yesterday, for example, my two closest friends from high school came to visit. We had a lovely day walking and playing with the babes. The twins took a nice long afternoon nap and when they did, I had a few fun hours of just 'girl time'. We watched HGTV, Bravo and gossiped about celebrities. It was a few hours of blissful responsibility free fun and being silly with friends I've known so well for almost two decades. I enjoyed laughing with them, simple as that.

Connor is still waking up around 4:00 every morning and I'm at a loss of what to do. I'll throw a party once he starts sleeping until 6:00 again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WWD, Ire and Rachel Zoe

As most of you know, I LOVE Bravo. One show I don't watch too often is The Rachel Zoe Project. She sort of bugs me and I would rather watch Flipping Out or Real Housewives. However, word on the street traveled quickly this morning throughout my friend circut that my dear friend and college roommate Jessica Iredale was on the show. I just watched and lo and behold, there she was.

In the episode, Ire writes a review for Rachel's first fashion line. Rachel even said "Jessica's article can make or break my presentation...". And Ire being Ire didn't tell any of us that she was going to be on the show! Like we weren't going to find out.

Here's to you, Jessica Iredale. You are big time even if you are too humble and shy to admit it. (Insert some sarcastic Ire-ish remark here.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Will Not Miss You, Vinny Chase

For those of you that watch Entourage but haven't see the final episode yet, you might as well skip it. It was awful.

When Entourage first came out, I loved it. Everyone loved it. The problem was that in eight seasons, nothing changed. And after four seasons I started getting bored and stopped watching it, maybe catching an episode here or there but it just went right down the tubes post Medillin. Unlike it's girly comparison SATC, the characters on Entourage never evolved.

If you want to read a scathing yet accurate review, check out They nailed it.

And while we are on the topic of celebs, Connor and Caroline watched their first movie shoot yesterday with Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Bacon. There is, yet another, film being shot here in Charlestown. Who needs Hollywood these days?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eat Your Vegetables

We've been working on solids for the past few weeks. My friend Michelle warned me that this is a stressful and confusing time. I thought "really, Michelle? Relax..." but she wasn't kidding!I had to start a spreadsheet to remember what they have eaten, can eat, can't digest, who likes what, what foods might complement each other. *Tangent alert* This has already given me anxiety for what it will be like in the future when I have to plan and make dinner every night. I hope they like grilled cheese and tomato soup from a can.

Anyway, we are really struggling with veggies. So far, carrots are a success but squash and sweet potatos make Connor vomit. They hate peas and this morning we were eating green beans and I actually said out loud "you guys, you have to eat your vegetables. They are good for you". But it's true! Our mothers and fathers and Dr. Oz know these things!

A very, very special congrats to Ryan and Betsy Toben who just welcomed their twins Bea and Teddy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today, at 6:23 am, in the shower, I thought about how I haven't updated the blog in a while. Since I would rather type than clean the bottles that are sitting in the sink, I'll blog. I'm also waiting for my sushi to arrive. Matt is going out with some of the other dads tonight which means Billy Tse knows that 20 Mystic St will call to order Philly maki and either the Eastern or Boston maki. I'm like Elaine and Miranda!

So Connor is getting his first tooth. I didn't notice until he bit Matt the other day and Matt said "Connor's first tooth is coming in!". It's like a razor. He hasn't been any fussier that usual with the exception of waking up in the middle of the night. He usual leaks through his diaper but then can't go back to sleep. I have to wonder if the day allows for a lot of distractions but at night, all he can do is lay in his crib and think "my tooth hurts and there is nothing to keep my mind from thinking about it. I'll cry so mom will come and get me". Being the sucker I am, I do.

And in the VERY exciting news department the twins had their first twin conversation yesterday. They were both sitting up playing with their Talking Cooking Pot (Thanks Lemeks!) and Caroline began to 'talk' Blah Blah to Connor. He smiled, giggled a little and would 'talk' back. This went on for about 2 minutes. It was so fun!

The twins are going to be pumpkins for Halloween this year. I figured that it is the only year that they can be dressed alike so I'm doing it. Besides, it's easy, the costumes are ordered and now it's one less thing I need to think about.

I hope that Team iLuminate wins AGT! I'd hit that up in Vegas right after Celene. Did any of you see the gossip that her Montreal house was robbed and the robber ate food from her fridge and took a bath? People are so stupid.